Upwell Research and Manufacturing - C2 (C1/HS) Wormhole Corporation

We are a wormhole corporation which live in a C2 wormhole with static exits to C1 and HS daily. For more information about our corporation, please review our information here.

This gives us a very good opportunity to fill your pockets with ISK via PVE activities, yet also provides us with the opportunity for pvp with connections to other holes and null security space.

We are a laid back corporation in terms of requirements. There are no daily operations or required participation metrics. Come and go as you please. There’s no whipcracking, no demands, no drama. Real life takes precedence over eve.

All pilots, alpha or omega, veteran or newbro alike are welcome. We are more than happy to teach new pilots the mechanics of EVE to avoid that huge learning curve, and set you on the path towards success much sooner than normal pilots.

If you want more information, please join our discord here and speak to a recruiter.

Still seeking more pilots to join our corporation.

Still seeking more pilots to join our corp.

Still seeking more pilots to join our corporation.

Still seeking more pilots to join.

Still seeking more pilots to join our corp.

Still seeking more pilots. All hail Bob!

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