Curious about all Eve has to offer but not sure where to start?
Returning Vet looking to take a bigger role or just looking for a group to hang out with?
At Caldari Fire Demons we offer a wide variety of gameplay styles with support from both Corporation and Alliance level partnerships.
Caldari Fire Demons has a strong background in industry and mining and an emerging emphasis on PVP shanagins of all kinds.
Through our corporation and Alliance friends, you will have the opportunity to participate in:
- Black Ops ‘Hot Drops’
- Weekly Filament Roams
- Small gang low sec PVP
- R16-R64 moon mining
- Ore/loot/salvage/PI buyback
- Hauling…?
- SRP on corp/alliance sanctioned ops
- Booze cruise!
For our newbros, Caldari Fire Demons University is dedicated to teaching the basics of flying in space and making Isk with equal opportunity to participate in our Hisec and Lowsec operations as well as our filament roams. To get started, hop in our Corporation discord and chat with a recruiter [C-FD Discord]Caldari Fire Demons
C-FD is always on the lookout for more leadership with many open roles from logistics, FC’s as well as mining industry support roles. Contact us in [Discord]Caldari Fire Demons for more info. Time spent in corporation and proper experience must be demonstrated first.
We support our Alliance Streamers!