[US/EU TZ] Drama Llamas are Recruiting PVP/PVE and industry

Llamas are a very small corp looking for relaxed players to help us grow.

I’ll keep it as short as possible

We Live in 0.0
Real life comes first
Resource rich planets
Research and Manufacturing Citadels
No fleet or time requirements
Mining, Ratting, Industry and PVP opportunities
Daily R64 moons to mine for isk
We use Discord and Alliance Mumble
new player / veterans welcome ( 10M Minimum SP)
Mostly US TZ but ALL TZ welcome

Looking for players that have the ability to sit up at their pc and breath. Also looking for players that treat EVE as a game and do not create DRAMA when things go bad.

If interested please feel free to join “Llama Skool” Channel in game
or send a in game mail to Kentcdn with subject title Recruitment.

Drama Llamas


Still Recruiting :blush:

Still recruiting

Still recruiting

Still Recruiting

still Recruiting

Still Recruiting

Still Recruiting

Still Recruiting

Still Recruiting

Still Recruiting

Still looking for pilots that just want to relax and play the game.

Still recruting

still Recruiting


Still Recruiting

Still recruiting

Still Recruiting

Still Recruiting