Looking for a small corp of likeminded individuals

This is a longshot but here goes…

About me :

I started playing in 2008 but have been inactive much much more than active during that time.
Ive been back about a month, the last time I was super active was 2020.

100mish SP main. Decent scan and utility alt. Several other isk generating alts.

I have my own isk but SRP and group isk making is also cool. Not necessary, but cool.

In the past I’ve enjoyed : WH life, both low and high class, FW, NPC Null and lowsec piracy.
I would say I mostly enjoy pvp but I’ve dabbled in most of what eve has to offer. I enjoy being solo but I like having likeminded allies. Small gang +

USTZ. Mountain time. Sometimes I have a lot of time and sometime I have none.
Have discord and mic etc.

I was in a fantastic little corp that checked all of these boxes when I last went on hiatus. I returned to a dead corp sadly.

about you :

Your corp is PvP focused but RL comes first etc. You are primarily composed of adults. We need never talk RL politics but your corp is explicit in having zero tolerance for racism/sexism/homophobia etc. In comms people are calm even when things go bad.

In conclusion. Who you are as a person and how you conduct yourselves is far more important to me than what space we play in etc. Id rather play with decent folks that aren’t great at eve than super toxic pro’s.

I know eve forums are a toxic hellhole but if the right folks read this message me here and lets chat further. Thanks!

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Hey, GDawn is recruiting, if you are interested join our channel “GDawn public” in game or visit our Discord! :slight_smile:

Hi , Drama Llamas might be a option for you, we are a small corp living in 0.0 that treats EVE as a game. Check out our recruitment post here : https://forums.eveonline.com/t/us-eu-tz-drama-llamas-are-recruiting-pvp-pve-and-industry or pop into our recruitment channel in game “Llama Skool” and have a chat to see if we would be a good fit for you.

Ethereal Morality Proud Member of the Initiative

✪ Chill Real Life Comes First Group of mature people


✪ PvP :skull_and_crossbones: oriented corp with PVE opportunities.

✪ Plenty of ISK making opportunities to fund PVP.

✪ Multiple Corp Moons to mine with associated corp mining Ops.

✪ Extensive Alliance infrastructure in place in space, With Alliance JF Services

✪ Experienced Corp Leadership and FC’s

✪ Friendly Members who are always willing to help

  • What We Require-
    ✪ At least one useful Alt (Cap Or Tackle)

✪ Minimum Age of 18 years old

✪ Omega Account

✪ 30,000,000 SP minimum Must be self-sufficient in: Rating in 0.0, Mining, Exploring, etc… 5 FATs per month requirement

✪ Full ESI on All Characters

✪ No Drama

✪ Willingness to train into Alliance Doctrine Ships and Be part of the Team. We often enjoy playing other games together when not logged into EVE.

If you want to know more Join us on Discord


Maybe give Aurora. a look? We are in Initiative in the Fountain region. Our group is primarily PvPers who enjoy small gang, whaling, BLOPsing, and having a great time with each other. We have strict rules against Racism, Homophobia, and toxicity. We aim to be a zero drama corp (and prefer to laugh at other’s drama :sunglasses: ) Also some good large fleet content and cap fights if that’s your cup of tea.

Hey there, I’m the CEO of Legion Ascending, a null sec PVPVE/INDY corp. We have our toes in all the things from industry to all forms of PVP to PVE. We are a bunch of laid back guys who enjoy playing together and doing things as a group, even if that is just chilling in comms talking smack. Come have a chat with us and see what you think, we will answer any questions you have.

Hi mate,

I def heard you out there and i think we should have a chat if you still did not find that cozy place for you.I will be more avaible over the weekend, weekdays are quite stresfull at work nowdays, and i am also way more active eutz.

Thats us. o/

Hay buddy am looking for vets to join my corp we live in detorid there is plenty of pew pew if that’s what you want if you fancy a chat jump on our discord


You sound like a perfect match for us. :smile: please take a look:

thanks for replies. Ill know it when I see it =]

Check us out: Join Primal Instinct! (PvX; Null; Mining; Indy) [Init]

Hey Corasalo,

I’d say that we’re along the lines of what you’re after. A lot of the stuff you outline are specifically ideals that we value.

We’re a small wormhole corp living in a C4 with C1/C3 statics. We do other activities but primarily hunt for pvp, mostly small gang stuff. RL always first. US/EU with activity spread across both timezones.

We’re all busy adults, many of us with families/other commitments. Activity tends to wax and wane depending on what people have going on irl.

To your point about political stuff and the ism’s- contentious topics are strictly forbidden, nor is there any tolerance for hateful behavior. We’re here to decompress and get away from all that kind of stuff.

Pilot temperament is far more important to us than ability or sp. The biggest killjoy in this game is being in a corp where you decide you don’t want to log in because you see ‘that guy’ in comms. That situation is explicitly what we don’t want and I think we have done well. There isn’t one person aboard that hasn’t been a joy to fly with.

At the end of the day I think you can sum it up by saying we’re here to have fun, not take internet spaceships overly seriously. We’re a laid back group of folks, here for a good time.

I’ll drop a our recruitment post below, which will have a link to our discord. If all that sounds like your speed, feel free to hit us up and we would be happy to answer any further questions you may have. You can also check out our public channel, HTT Public.

Fly safe! o7

We are a small tightnit, Npc null based corp located in stain under SLOW1, join our discord and have a chat to see if we are a fit for you.