Holier Than Thou - C4 US/EU TZs - Join us in J-space!

Holier Than Thou. is a PVP oriented corporation living in a C4 (C1/C3 statics) system. We’re active across US/EU timezones and focus on small-scale skirmishes, ganking and enjoy doing indy on the side!

What we offer:
• Dedicated Pathfinder
• Corp buyback & hauling services
• Communal ships
• 1% tax rate on Industry (reactions, reprocessing, manufacturing, research, invention, PI)
• Long chains and huffing fleets

What we ask for:

  • 21+ years of age
  • Basic scanning
  • Active on comms
  • Willing to use Pathfinder

The corp is laid back and newbro friendly - we’re happy to teach newer players the ropes.

Reach out to us over Discord or in our public channel: HTT Public

Still recruiting!

Recruiting still open!

Still looking for recruits!

Mo’ recruiting!


Still taking recruits!

HTT Recruiting! Hear all about it!

Still looking for more pilots!

Still taking recruits!

Another day, another recruitment bump!

Still recruiting!

Taking more recruits!!!

Still open for recruiting!


The big Lebumpski

More recruits wanted!

Da Bump!

Pilots still wanted!

More pilots wanted!