Recently returned player looking for the lowsec/wormhole life (70m sp)

I came back to eve a few weeks ago and looking for somewhere to call home.

My game knowledge is good but my pvp skills are slightly rusty.

Looking to go on small roams/gatecamp/gank/blops.

UK TZ im online at random times but pretty active.

Happy to be on comms but would also like to do my own thing from time to time to fund the pew.

I’m very chill and don’t take it seriously.

Drop me an ingame mail and we can go pew o/

Hi Mayo,

We’re a small but very active wormhole corp living in a C4 with C1/C3 statics. We are primarily a US/EU tz corp and we are looking to build up our EU roster a little more. We’re very laid back, real life first sort of folks. We’re here to have fun, not take internet spaceships overly seriously. People log in when they can, there’s definitely no playtime expectation.

We primarily hunt for pvp but we do plenty of pve activities too. There’s also a fair amount of industry-oriented folks.

I’ll link our posting below where you can find a link to our discord. Feel free to reach out if you are interested or would like more information.

Fly safe! o7

Check us out.

Eclipse Strike Unit

Looking for a PvP wormhole group with the best of both worlds, Eclipse is looking for PvP pilots to join our new Corp that will provide NS & Wormhole Action, form a C2 C5/NS hole.

We are looking to grow and become a competing corp within wormhole space, We are casual eve players where RL comes first.

Talk to any of our Recruitment team.

Join in-game channel Eclipse Recruits

what we Provide :

**PvP **
**Experienced Fcing **
Black Ops
PvE Make Isk

what we want :
EU/US Pilots
**A willingness to learn **
provide knowledge and be keen to fly as a group
Discord coms with a working mic
**min omega Account **

Join Discord: Eclipse Strike Unit

Greetings mate. We are a chill C2 wh indy corp that may fit just fine for you. Take a look:

Neo cortex recruiting

If want to discuss about it, my discord is kritikosk8, or send me in-game mail