UZ TZ Pilot wanting to try something new

Hey @Dallas_en_Welle

If your looking for a laid back US TZ lowsec pvp corp Filthy Peasants may just be the corp for you.

We’re a established pvp/pirate corp that lives in lowsec Solitude. We live in a great area for small/medium sized fights with plenty of roams through Syndicate and the other surrounding lowsec regions. We’re a laid back corp without any activity requirements but we always have around 10 people on daily and peek activity of around 20 on weekends. We’re in a very small alliance which we lead with a few of our friends/alts.

We always encourage people to go out and pvp when there are no fleets going on or targets in the area. All of our pilots have some experience soloing so if that interests you we’ll share advice/fits/tactics with each other. If you want to try FCing too, anyone can take a roam out if they want. As we’re mostly small gang you’re going to learn a lot more than just pressing F1.

If any of this interests please check out our KB and feel free to join our public channel Open Filth

I’ll send you a mail in game and try to convo later if you’re available.