Version 18.08 - General Feedback

I really don’t understand how ccp can think its a great idea to put random systems, where you will be killed on entry, and disguise them like normal high sec. How is this supposed to improve my gameplay experience? The solution to this is to take 10+ ump detours. I don’t play eve to click the warp to gate button a billion times!


EDENCOM NPCs will now be hostile to players which have any negative standing with them

PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD REVERSE THIS CHANGE. It’s terrible for Hauler/Jumpfreighter pilots and annoying as hell to people who don’t want anything to do with invasions.


There never was an exact 0.000 on both factions. Trigs were negative from the start, so you would get shot by them.

You have to choose between getting shot by trigs or getting shot by edencom.

If you want Edencom positiv again just do one or two sites where you shoot trigs.


You know that you get a warning like the LS warning before you take the gate and that the systems are marked with a triangle in the route planer, yes?

Your own fault if you disabled that warning.

Actually it was mentioned that edencom and trig standings were depending on each other and independent by anything else by design. So don’t expect any change there.
I would have liked Arrendis idea about empire standing impact though, it makes lots of RP sense.


I’m confused… If I have both Trig and Edencom standings of exactly 0.0, will either or both shoot me if I enter their systems ?

Do you now get the same warning before entering an Edencom system ?


Trigs will still shoot at you with 0.00 standing, Edencom will shoot you only if negative to them.
This makes sure you’ll be always shot by only 1 entity.

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I can’t even find words to describe how badly designed this entire Trig/edencom fiasco is, all the way from the bugs to the lacking or outright missing UI, and now this ■■■■, after everyone went out and fixed standings on their army of alts. It’s like you all took a design class from Fozzie or something. -.-
Maybe next time, actually finish designing the feature before you push to production. I know you don’t like feedback, or testing, but still…

Ps. Stop the useless tiercide where you’re just screwing with named to screw with them.
If I wanted to learn the super basic programming required to change my API tools every week I wouldn’t play EVE. I would be lead game designer at CCP.


We still don’t know yet if they have changed the standing for both sides or left trigs as they were.

If the latter then get ready to make 2 alts as haulers

Hi ccp, as I’ve written in previous patch topics: I still think it’s a massive issue that you’re making x types almost as strong as officer modules.
The rarity is vastly different and while x types can be farmed in infinitum, officers can not. By making the majority (75%) of the officer modules worse than xtypes, you’re basically making them useless. Many of the x(b, a and c aswell) are extremely cheap.

Your tiericide is a waste of time as you’re not correcting the power issues of the modules.
The power should be officer > deadspace > faction > t2 < rest.
The way you’re doing it is officer > deadspace > officer > the rest.

I just don’t understand the logic behind it.


This should be known weeks before change. This knowledge is relevant for game and irrelevant in market speculation so why it’s not common knowledge BEFORE the patch day?



You mean just like everyone who isn’t negative w/EDENCOM already has to do because Trigs hold systems in ‘highsec’ and will shoot them on sight? You had to choose to get those standings. Don’t whine about your choices having extremely minor consequences now.

The Trigs will shoot you, EDENCOM will not. I know, it’s shocking, the aggressive alien invaders will be aggressive.

Another question I usually put in each and every one of these threads… this time, at least, the patch notes were out before the patch itself, so I’m counting that as improvement. :wink:

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Ok, some general feedback for CCP:

While not universally true, in general, when changes you make to the game bring about wailing and pouting from the farmers and safebears, you are doing something right. Keep an eye on your metrics, and work to make your changes themselves as understandable to the players, as well as the rationale behind them and all will be fine. Most players will accept changes that are good for the game if you demonstrate they are considered, and intended for the greater good. You will run into problems if you fail to clearly communicate the changes or the reasons for them.

Players will accept a lot, even failure, if you convince them you tried something to make Eve a better and more vibrant sandbox game. The converse is true however if they decide your game design choices are based on profit, expediency or chasing some metric that has nothing to do with the core idea of the game. Keep up with the communication, and don’t let players fill in the blanks.

There. It might be off topic as that is pretty general feedback, not really specific to 18.08 but it is what it is.


Can we add checkboxes to have AP avoid Trig systems or EDENCOM systems?

Also, can we see minor victory systems on invasion page?


In regards to this bit.

“All market orders for the affected modules will be removed, the modules and escrow will be returned to the character who created the order. We will convert every module of one type into modules of another type, everywhere in the database. This includes modules currently fit to ships and modules in containers or contracts.”

I’m currious about blueprints that are being researched (me/te or tII’s from copies) do the jobs get canceled?

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While I totally agree that officers should be stronger than deadspace, yet different (that means increase in CPU usage for example - see webs ), the goal of tiericide was never to fix this kind of imbalance. It was to reduce the notion of tiers from modules, that is to make different modules below T2 have different positive points - AKA tradeoff.

no, it was not to get that negative standing.
It was, to e able to move through trig space.

Yeah the difference is subtle, but that’s the crux that makes your post fallacious.

I think every hauler alt in this game shot at edencom for not being shot in systems with triglavian minor victory.
Ok, i can fix my stand with edencom in 5 mins, but after this triglavians start shot on me.
To be honest I’m not interest in this triglavian invasion and I not understand why I forced to use some content in SANDBOX game.

CCP, let me chose what content I want to use in this game.


what blueprints ? There was no mention of blueprints in your quotes, only mention of “modules”.

You can avoid any system when put in Auto Pilot route planning.