Version 18.12 - Known Issues

God, this triglavian crap is a mess. I just left Perimeter where I saw a few triglavians on the gate which were white neutral to me. Which is weird because my corp has -3 standing to these shits. Then, a few jumps later I suddenly saw a huge trig fleet in a system on my ingate which are red hostile.

What is it now? Am I white neutral or am I red hostile? Make up your minds with this garbage or get rid of this crap!

PC Corp standings should have zero impact on NPC Corp aggression, for what it’s worth.

Have you looked at which specific Trig Clades (corps) the two different groups are from? I am wondering if players are seeing inconsistencies because the various Trig groups they encounter belong to different Clades and the individual Clades are lacking standings (I would not be surprised if CCP broke Faction-level standings for Trigs when they added the Clades as corporation entities under the Faction) thus defaulting some to red while those with which you have standings are white.

It definitely has. The char that experienced the above has never shot trigs, but a guy in my corp shot them to pieces during the invasion phase. His standing carries over to corp standings.

I have not. I was not even aware that the different clades could potentially make a difference if you have negative standings. I go back to these systems and see what’s what.

Corp standings only apply to Faction Warfare eligibility for a corp seeking to become a FW corp - they are not intended to have any impact on players who belong to a corp with regards to aggression behaviors as those are 100% tied to individual player activity.

With regard to the Clades: I am not entirely sure how CCP implemented their standing mechanics, other than they clearly separated the Clades into discrete corps for purposes of managing gate and station accesses in Pochven. I would not be surprised if there are downstream impacts that were either unexpected or absolutely intended but not advertised to force players to learn as they go.

100% not with regards to trigs. :slight_smile: No standings for trig or edencom exist for my char in question:

The corp standings are an entirely different matter:

Keep in mind the no standings = hostile with regards to Trigs - so you could only argue PC Corp standings impact if you personally had positive standings but the Trigs with whom you have positive standings were still hostile.

That’s what I would expect but then when do I see white neutral trigs in Perimeter?

Because Trigs are buggy. That’s not in question at all - and your Corp standings certainly wouldn’t be responsible for them being white and red in different scenarios if you personally have no standing for the Corp standing to override, as you are asserting.

I’m just curious to see if only a specific Clade is buggy (white when they should be red, or red when they should be white) or if it is a universal problem across all Clades.

That’s in Yuhelia, which is not a trig system or edencom system. Looks like those are Veles.

This is Kamela, just a few jumps away. Looks like they are Perun.

And it is getting better:

Identical standings, violently different experience. :innocent:


Thanks for sharing additional details - the more data we have the more we can learn. now we need to see if other players have the same experiences (Perun Clade white without any Clade standings, Veles Clade red without any Clade standings) or if their experiences are different. Perun Clade may be uniquely broken, or all of the standings may be universally borked.

Not getting any points from doing Yoiul Chilling Spree any more. Was this intended?

OK. Seems to be working now. Strange, but maybe I read something wrong previously.

The Festival challenges are not resetting. I still have the same ones from two days ago, all combat or mining…and I’m an explorer. No way to get more points.

don’t look at me i am setting out ccp’s current bug filled hell i played anthem i have seen more bugs then any one ever should for the love of the dark gods is ccp trying to out do EA

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To ease player access to Lore - The Neocom could have a like a dedicated “Lore button”, with a window with “books” about the EVE lore past , links to story & lore news , like EVEs own news about lore wars etc :slight_smile:


I have no idea why you posted this in Known Issues? It’s a lovey idea but has absolutely nothing to do with the current release, which means none of the people who could act on it are going to see it.

You must finish the ones that were generated.

My Notifications and Activity Tracker keep resetting everyday.

Nice job, CCP. You reset the sound settings and turned World Level to 0 for some inexplicable reason. :slight_smile:

Launcher is Stuck with downloading New Version 1863399 on WIn10
its the second part/bar not loading. looks the real game data instead of only the launcher?

no luck starting as admin
cancel download and verify client cache also doesnt work

@update: found few instances of the launcher in the process list in task manager…
killing them and restart launcher worked for me.
after the initial launcher update and restart the launcher hat to update game date and it ran trugh.

happy snowballs on spaceships again \o/

That’s no longer the case. At least, my alts who have never gotten standing for either EDENCOM or Trigs used to see red trigs on gates as they flew by in their 2 sec align jackdaws and laughed…

Now they see white trigs on gates as they fly by. So… no longer does no standing = hostile. I think that change happened when phase 3 ticked over to phase 4 (when Pochven was created).

The Veles in that showinfo is saying the ship manufacturer for all Leshak BSes is Veles Clade. The Perun is saying the ship manufacturer for all Drekavac BCes is Perun Clade. It says the same thing when you look at player ships.

I know this because when they came out with the Kikimora and Drek and the Ikitursa and all the other t2 ones, I wanted to see which clade was responsible for making each (and in the case of t2, one of the 4 New Eden empires had a hand in one of the new t2 ships… AF, Cmd DD, HAC, and logi cruiser respectively).

So… that is not an indication of which clade those raznaborgs are from.

If you were in Pochven, you could tell which clade you’re around because there’s 9 systems in Perun’s constellation, 9 systems in Svarog’s constellation, and 9 systems in Veles’s constellation. But out in HS? Not sure if there IS even a clade for the raznaborg scouts.