Version 19.05 - Known Issues

Factional Warfare Enlistment still has wait time.
The wording in the update is very vague and lacking a description of the specific change (as usual).
Until the update, the Corp would be enlisted by next Down-Time (even if Enlistment happens within 10 minutes from Down-Time), and it seems that post-update nothing has changed.

Allies do not appear as allies (purple star) nor enemies as enemies (orange star).
No access to “Militia Chat”.
Entering a plex will apply “Suspect Timer”.
Cannot contribute to plex capture.

After logging off for 5 minutes and re-launching without any other Corp member online, nothing has changed.

Please enlighten us as to what exactly changed here, or am I experiencing a bug?

p.s. There are ways to concisely detail changes, and although there has been a vast improvement in this recently, I ask it be more consistent, especially with such impactful subjects like enlisting an entire Corporation into Factional Warfare and then have the entire Corp sit stagnantly waiting to contribute towards the war effort due to vague promises.

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