Version 19.08 - General Feedback


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“Do you guys not have phones?”


The skill window could use some improvements:

  1. There is no need for this much spacing between lines of text. Not a problem on itself, but leads to point 3.

  2. If these icons were a little smaller and the buttons for the categories were flatter, this part would take much less space on the window, which means we have more space for the skills at the bottom part of the window.

  3. Endless scrolling, for a list of skills that could easily be shown all at once if better choices were made about spacing (1) and icon sizes (2).

  4. Wasted space. The training queue on the right has cut off skill names. This should not be needed as this wasted space means the Training Queue can easily be moved to the left. Alternatively, this space could be used for a third column of skills on the bottom left, which is another way to avoid the scroll bar there.

  5. I don’t think this is supposed to happen.

And some numbers that aren’t in the picture yet have been mentioned by me before in the thread:

  1. Default transparency of the skill window is too high.

7. I shouldn’t be able to click through the skill window. Is confirmed a bug.

Hopefully this feedback can help you improve the skill window.


Horrible, horrible iteration on this skill fiasco;

  • Huge interface with wasted space, too large icons, undockable,
  • Tooltips for time and sp gone,
  • No info prior to BUYING the skillbook (everybody should ticket that one if it happens to you),
  • Massive gpu-eating character portrait that can’t be shutoff (you should’ve heard my fan start whirring).

I used to adjust my skills in space, during a mining or otherwise slow fleet/time - so much for that.

Also, CCP just added new features and items INTO the character sheet with the jump clone changes. Why do they take this OUT now? This makes no sense. I did not NEED another Neocom icon.

All in all a massively screwed-up change and I’m surprised, even for CCP, that this made it through. I’m guessing Hilmar’s niece/nephew is working there now and this is their first project? No one dared stop them?

(Also mucked up the character sheet at the same time btw.)

FYI - I am for good UI/QOL changes. Loved naming jump clones, removing corp standings for clones, and even getting rid of the 24-hr Alpha skill restriction here (although this may bite back later), but this new skills thing is CRAP and I’m calling it out.


Hope you had no stocks in this Skill UI Fuckup. For you in your position as Senior Quality Assurance Analyst: this change is horrific. Reverse it. Start listening to feedback.

Since CCP won´t listen anyway (all that was already mentioned before the change): Can someone call Pearl Abyss and tell them?


Unfortunately I suspect this smoking turd of a UI was their idea.

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Glad to hear that!

Had same idea. Prefer compact interface.
This new one reminds me of senior phones.

Wouldn’t replace my smartphone for that :confused: Not yet anyway…

Full body portrait is cool feature, but only visual. It takes a lot of space, and require loading every few times.
In my opinion fast and compact bests visuals. Window size is key in this game, even on 4D.

Thanks for trying to make EvE better :slight_smile:


Too big icons and font on skill queue. Covers almost all my screen. Please, give an option to make font and icons MUCH smaller. They are TOO BIG now.

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The new skill UI looks awful, feels awful to use. Seems just a waste of time to have worked on when whoever it was could have been being productive.

Since we are now stuck with this thing let us customize it, move the lists make icons smaller just general customization.

Also allow us to remove the full character model on the character screen, at least give us the option to do so.

Let us recombine the skill and character screen it being seperate is dumb, why have a character screen and the most important info not be in the character screen.

Generally just seems to be alot of non logical thinking but tradition for you CCP.

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I was right. This is appalling.

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Please remove this terrible skill training and skills UI, its horrible, hard to use and not an upgrade at all!


Please make this new stupid feature optional.
I dont need that much screen space taken from me while i search for skills.
This “new player” thing should be optional.

wicked zombie

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The new skill plan window is just terrible :frowning:

Double the size (even undocked) with half the functionality. While some stuff is easier to recognize now, I noticed the following missing features/bugs:

  • No longer able to see how long a skill will train before adding it to the queue
  • No graphical indication of how much of a skill is trained.
  • The upper 2cm (between the title bar and the first text of the window) of the undocked Skill Queue Window are click trough while the rest is not.
  • Absolute waste of screen space. There is so much wasted/empty space in the new window and no way to customize its layout.

Agency - Help Section - Videos:

  • Video was not playing when clicked, closed the window, now the video is playing in the background (can hear the sound but see nothing) with NO option to stop it.

drag it off the market window and it’ll be back.

There is no way to start the new tutorial without it being immediately after character creation. If a character was in the middle of the previous tutorial they just out of luck and get no tutorial.

There was a confirmation window.

You probably turned it off on the old system.

I just read that EVE is now also on the Epic Store. Will this work just as flawlessly as EVE on Steam?

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Wait… All of this and I still cannot shift+select to drag and rearrange multiple skills at a time? There’s my feedback. After all this and I still can’t move multiple skills to the top of a queue at once in a simple and intuitive way.

I don’t get it, but I bet the dude in charge of the design team who made these changes is making a new job resume as we speak. He should consider getting some outside help on the drafting of it all, though.

Massive icons for no reason, less info, more wasted space. Why on earth is the drop down window to switch between all skills and only those who prereq you have located Above the skill catalogue when the list of skills it effects is Below the catalogue?

If I turned in a mockup of this UI in my first year of computer sciences it would get an F. Its shockingly bad and I pray the UI designer that made this did so under protest because if this is his idea of a ‘good’ UI he needs to be fired yesterday.