Version 22.02 - Revenant - General Feedback

Wouldnt it have made sense to leave multiple LP goals as there are agents for all career paths…

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For once they had the daily goals right and even had me run missions - every single day.
but sure enough … they had to finetune it to the ground and now it has become an unsustainable chore again.
Not doing this ■■■■, CCP, make it undone.


It’s almost as if they believe they can troll the player base, and still keep people paying for this game.
They seem to have gone all in on milking the whales, yet seem oblivious to the fact that most of the whales live in null, and aren’t likely to put up with the micromanagement required to live in null now.
All the stupid additions in null are designed to try and force the break up of big blocks, and all they’ll end up doing is making people win EvE.


Yah, I’m not usually one to take to forums to complain, but messing with the daily goals brought me out. I think it was a rather big mistake to mess with the system. It was bad enough you removed the daily login rewards, but I understood that. There was really no effort whatsoever to login to the character select screen, click a button, and then log out. You recovered it though by implementing the daily reward goals, and actually had a variety of activities that I enjoyed doing on there, without forcing me to do so much to get the reward that it felt like work. EVE is, after all, supposed to be a game. Now, you’re trying to force us to play this sandbox game in ways we may not particularly enjoy playing; this isn’t unfinished broccoli on our plate, this is entertainment that we pay for either with money, or time.

Sure, we can spend our EverMarks, which up to this point were completely useless/pointless otherwise since I’m not in an alliance/corp with a fancy logo I wanna show off. I wonder, how long until we can start buying packages of EverMarks on the NES? It sure is beginning to feel like it’s turning out to be one of those situations…

On a slightly adjacent note, as a person who is just NOT a fan of PVP and much more a fan of Industry, you’ve whittled away the ways that I enjoy playing; Who’s gonna make toys for you all to break if you can’t keep your industrial players happy?

CCPlease, revert today’s changes to the AIR Rewards. You’ve shown in the past that you know how to pull the nose of the plane up when things aren’t received so well by the community

Edit: To specify, my issue is with removing the double rewards/variety of choices, not so much being able to spend the EverMarks to complete one option. Even if there’s a double “Manufacturing” day, it would still take two redeems to complete after all.


Coming soon to a NES near you.


Patch notes Version 22.02 Where is the topic? "Refined the Air Daily Goals system. Your choice of words doesn’t exclude the fact that you re-nerfed this to Hel from 6 things to do to just 4. You think spending 2500 Evermarks to get 500 Evermarks is the solution to the current uselessness of Evermarks? I vote you off the island for no creativity.


When i read about update to daily missions i thought that we could actually choose activities that we want to complete. If i’m into industry - then manufacture an item, mine ore / gas or whatever. As if you chose a career path for you’re dailies - you get this daily missions FOR industry without BS that you don’t need as “boost some shields”.
Instead you cut daily missions and called it “increased flexibility”, WHAAAT? What flexible about it? What a delusional idea.
At this point - it would be better to just revert changes to daily missions. Add some cosmetics for EverMarks to fix stockpiling problem easy way. And i guess let us use EverMarks to skip daily, it’s okay
PS: Also after this update i have large lag spikes frequently. Does anyone have the same problem? Wellp, I guess now my game IS flexible, since I can teleport in space when the game wants it


… but ccp is creating meaningfuller worlds than real life…

they say lol



I wonder, where are @Aisha_Katalen and @Analoreke_Brunette defending this change. :thinking:


CCP must have for 1 employee whos job is to make players life more enjoyable, 3 employees whos jobs is to make players life more miserable.
And then one guy who is really good at wording all the misery into rosy PR bs


the reversion to less daily goals combined with an extortionate evermark price is insulting. please change ti back to 8 and cut the price for completing tasks. the price should be commensurate with the reward, not wildly more expensive.


The change to daily rewards requiring most people to spend marks is a complete turd.

This particularly hits new pilots hard.

Is that the goal? Make people hate logging in? Make new pilots quit? Just piss everyone off in general?


if i watch the numbers in my corp…they make old pilots quit aswell.
so i guess it not personal…its in general…xD

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I defend very little what CCP does. I’m just not interested in catering to self serving “just make things easier/better for me personally” posts where people TRY to conceal their real reason to post (to sound reasonable) but utterly fail at it, and will react/reply accordingly.

Beyond that I mostly don’t care about changes much, sometimes they benefit me and most of the times they do not. And that’s fine.


The reduction of daily goals by 50% would have made sense, if they had also reduced the needed completions by 50%, from 2 to 1.

C4 WHs… well, most people will like this change, because it makes C4 more profitable and thus better in-line with the other classes. However, I live in a C4 and I always liked the idea that you’d need non-standard fits (long-range, MJD) to run them efficiently and you were basically left alone by other groups that prefer to do their farming in (more lucrative) short-range setups in C3/C5. But well, it’s understandable.
The hope remains, that C4s don’t become so attractive now, that larger, (but non-LAZER affiliated) groups try to actively burn out C4 corps now and try to establish the next monopoly a class below C5/C6…


Logging in this morning to see only 4 daily goals while still requiring 2 completions for the daily reward felt terrible. First time since I started playing a few months ago that I’ve considered not renewing omega. The thing to understand is that for a player like me who wants to keep up with sp this change is just a daily time tax, it basically doubles the time it takes to do what I consider the “chores” part of the game before I can get into the “content” part.

Oh, but I could just spend evermarks!

Take my value and offer it back to me for currency and see what opinion I form about your design philosophy.


The amount of people in here who think you’re supposed to just be able to use EMs to complete every daily every day and still come out ahead…

Sometimes I understand why CCP ignores the playerbase as much as they do.

we dont want to just “use EM to compelte every daily”

we want to complete our dailies doing tasks we enjoy. not have to do tasks we dont enjoy to get that.

old system. 8 dailies. you could have 2 of them being pve, or industry. and so finish daily with just that.
for a pve player, thats ideal. if you make a living of abyssal, then 2 focused on PvE is great.

but now. we got 4. no duplicates. if u want the daily now, u cant do just abyssal. now u also gotta either pvp logi, or scan crap, or do industry.

now. remember what CCP said." This added flexibility makes earning the Daily Bonus SP and progressing through the Monthly Reward Track faster and easier - perfect for players with limited playtime.“”

except…this doesnt do that. this now makes it harder and more time consuming, unless you spend EM…not ideal for players with limited playtime, or players who dont want to do industry, or scanning, or logi in pvp.

what we WANTED. was EM with the old 8 option system. so that if you do abyssal for a living. or industry for a living. and IF the daily only had 1 of them (rare but happens. hence this desire). you could use EM to reroll or finish an unrelated to switch to one you actually do.

not force us to activities we dont want to do.


Personally I don’t care about EMs. I just want to be able to complete dailies quickly to switch to what I like to do in game. Luckily I have 1M EMs stacked so it should be enough to keep dailies running for a year. Hopefully CCP will fix the problem by then.

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