Version 22.02 - Revenant - General Feedback

Looks like the server final rebooted (or was rebooted again) - as I’m getting a different status/error message now.

Looks like the hamsters went kite surfing in Darragh…

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Not that anyone cares, but here’s a tip to help get through the dailies faster: before downtime (or just before you logout), run a quick mission but don’t turn it in. That way when you do login it’s fairly easy to run a 1-item manufacturing job and turn in the mission for the LP component. Those are usually 2/4 that are needed to complete your dailies.


I strongly dislike only having four options for dailies. I didn’t mind having repeats. I agree 8 might be too many, but four isn’t enough. suggest returning to the original 6 or even an odd number.


Well as i said elsewhere its their game. They have visions for how it moves forward.

Remember 90s? We had to play what was given with no interaction with the. Devs

Yeah but the games were complete and came on CDs :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah, when we owned the game instead of perpetually renting it from the devs; when devs actually put proper effort and care into their games instead of dumping half-baked messes as final versions onto the market; when games actually took in player feedback for expansions and sequels. Your reasoning becomes worse with every passing day.


And don’t forget NO Early Access bullsht.

The 90’s and early 2000’s were a golden age for gaming, before it became only about the fcking money.


C’mon now, don’t be mean. Geo Eclipse is a nice fellow.
Nobody can be right all the time.

My experience of it changed when games went from being single-player to multi-player and/or co-op. With all those new potential targets, developers seemed to become greedy and publishers pushed them to get games and their updates out faster and faster - with a resulting drop in quality.

There were exceptions - there always are - but in general it seems to be the pressure applied both from greed (publishers) and impatience (gamers) which has perhaps led to the current, unsatisfactory state of affairs.

It was a golden age, partly because the technology was young and fresh (and so was I…), but also because the developers were people of imagination and dedication. There is some very good stuff around now, but those days will not return.

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none of those games have been played 20 years, my friend, and those CDs today are useless knick-knacks. :smiling_imp:

People who still own those CD games still play them today. Many need DosBox because Windows has evolved but they are still being played, my friend.

Not quite. I still have a bunch of programs on CDs that I use to repair friends’ PCs. Computers are still being sold with CD-ROMs.

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repeating the same game over and over again is not for me and I dont think it is for the new generation either :woman_shrugging:

I understand. To each his own.

I still play quite a few games from way back then.
Lords of the Realm.
Ceasar I and II
Civilization II
Age of Empires
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six
And many others.

Who can say? I’m often surprised by what the young ones say and do and how they think.

I think we older guys tend to dismiss the youth based on stereotypes and the complaining of old men who yell at clouds.
Actually, very few of the young ones are “snowflakes”, that’s just yet another way to dump on people by those who only have criticism in their heart and no room for understanding.

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always the same soup

the reality of the facts that games have to evolve continuously in order to survive or they are abandoned

completely agree

and with this I close my off topic :wink:

There are many games from the 90’s just like there are many soups. In fact, you could eat soup for damn near a month without eating the same one everyday.

The fact that games evolve doesn’t mean they are boring, it just means that there’s enough interest from players for the company’s devs to outdo themselves. Look at the Civilisation series of games, the Sims, the Guild, Caesar…

Same here


how can the awesome ship intro’s be turned off, if not possible…where is the skip button

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little joke :innocent:

true, it doesn’t mean that they are boring it means that they become boring

this time I really close :raised_hand:

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Just before logging in on Character Selection page of your account, or if you’re already in the game, press Esc key for the Main Menu, select Camera submenu and then deselect the option Dynamic Camera Movement…

That should take care of it…


That option been deselected for me, still seeing awesome ship intro’s

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