Version 22.02 - Revenant - General Feedback

Maybe. :fedo:

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We are migrating the Local Chat system to Quasar (external services) to address ongoing performance issues and improve the overall reliability of the system.

We are moving away from AWS or are you going to make the Chat even worse as things like the market in certain systems are already on Quasar and they behave very poorly in certain systems.


First obvious downside of the latest chat changes: The system messages are not highlighted in red anymore. This is confusing because they look like normal user messages. Why is there no feedback topic for these changes?


Porpoise bandwidth got nerfed, from 50 now to 25. wtf… another blow to the miners

Was this a hidden change?

They also delighted us with additional messages between pockets.

Take off your warp core stabilizer.


This also annoyed me.

Please fix this CCP!


Just repackaged a bunch of ships, wanted to load them onto the fleet hangar of my DST to move them all elsewhere, and the fitted modules and charges got locked in the hangar and cannot be moved, traded, contracted or delivered. Undocking/Redocking or Logging out and Login again doesn’t change anything about it.

Splitting the item stacks however works. Tryed to split all stacks to leave one item behind and put the remaining ones into the fleet hangar which worked, however once i jumped the first stargate the items disappeared from the fleet hangar and are not back in the citadel i had the buggy stacks before.

Anyone else having similar issues?

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local change info need red or better style

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Why in the F*CK are they doing stuff like this? Its making the game miserable for industry pilots in null. I hate CCP right now for this garbage.

holy moly. Lets summarize this:

You play in a space that other people have conquered, you are using their power and protection to farm endless riches with basically no risk, you enjoy infrastructure, a free instant-updating local, access to intel channels and whatnot.
Your wallets fill with billions over billions and you can use all that money to to whatever you wish in the greatest single-server MMO ever made with thousands of other people online at any time to play around with.

And this game is garbage because a module that protects you from a large portion of all tackle/aggression in the game cuts your drone bandwith in half.
And for that you hate the gaming company that provides you with all of the above for a lousy 10 bucks a month (if you even pay with rl cash and not feed of other peoples cash by using PLEX).

Really, what is wrong with you people?


Wait until PLEX breaks 7m ISK. You ain’t seen complainin’ ‘ yet…

Why this heated response?

Warp core stabilizers have functioned like that for years now, didn’t you notice before?

The person I reacted to made the mistake of assuming it was something of this patch, which it isn’t. The only thing that changed was that they equipped a warp core stabilizer on their Porpoise for the first time on patch day and wrongly assumed it was a new change.

I wonder if @Chad_Frostpacker will suddenly acquire 4500 of them PLEX around that time? :thinking:


The new weapons dont seem to be popular

Just now… in addition to a laggy local after the first gate jump. It took the system 10 seconds to switch to the new system. At the very least the colors are fixed again. Good work. :slight_smile:

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So it’s red. Is it better or worse than the old chat system?

Searching for a solarsystem in the search all field now takes multiple seconds!

Is that improvement?