Version 22.02 - Revenant - Known Issues

why they dont change the pile size instead, every pile looks the same…

It wasn’t in today’s patch notes, but dscan seems to be fixed.

Thank you !!


сделайте что ни будь с дредноутом. он поломает вам весь баланс в игре. Тем что будут умирать лопаты. игроки перестанут копать. в 0.0 и ниже перестанут проходить аномалии (зелёные).
это тоже ударит как по игре так и по вашему карману так как новых игроков мало а старые уйдут.
так вот у меня к вам вопрос вы добиваетесь закрытия проекта ?

с дредноутом вы зря такое сделали верните чтобы можно было убежать. мгновенно брать в цель и кидать дизраптор. как минимум не соответствует вашей же логике игры. игрок на дредноуте захватывает цель 30 секунд а дредноут НПС (NPS) захватывает мгновенно!

это не правильно вы рушите экономику и баланс и теряете игроков !!! прислушайтесь это ваши деньги и время!

Do whatever you want with the Dreadnought. he will break your whole balance in the game. The fact that the shovels will die. players will stop digging. at 0.0 and below, anomalies will stop passing (green).
This will also hit both the game and your pocket, as there are few new players and the old ones will leave.
so I have a question for you. Are you trying to close the project?

with the dreadnought, you did this in vain, return it so that you can escape. instantly take aim and throw the disruptor. at least it doesn’t match your own game logic. The player on the dreadnought captures the target for 30 seconds and the NPC Dreadnought (NPS) captures instantly!

This is not right, you are ruining the economy and balance and losing players!!! Listen, it’s your money and time!

переведено через переводчик могут быть ошибки


I do like the fact there are more tier icons though, often think about how much headroom Eve has for higher tiers linked to new resources e.g. Albion has 8 tiers of gear where Eve has t1, t2, t3, faction, DED.

Not for everyone, but from a new player perspective, having green, blue, purple, orange, white etc borders around module / ship class tiers would also help with UX as tiers are increased.

Of course easier to rehash existing content over introducing new tiers when you’re looking to invest your engineering side in other games such as an FPS!

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The issue is quite simply you CCP.
Your not caring about the game or the people.

You care about a quick buck.

Everything youve done is to line your pockets by making everyone buy plex or grind like its a full time job to play.

Start getting rid of the dead wood in your offies and start caring about the game again.


CCP has plans to fix their “it’s not a bug, it’s feature!” when new wave NPCs always shoot drones on reworked anomalies? On Drone Hordes new waves NPCs start shooting drones. On Drone Menagerie new wave warped in and start lock/shoot ship, drones are okay (this type of anoms didn’t toched by CCP in this patch). Also removing objects in Hordes added annoying work to make object for orbiting. Fix your stuff!

Apologize in advance if I have just missed a mention somewhere in notes…but is it intended that we can no longer do PI in wormholes?

Thanks…fixed in patch 22.02.

All the more reason that these tiers are clearly visible and not obstructed by other UI elements. :wink:

Seems I’m already short one day for the final daily reward, bummer, what happened to having reasonably longer grace periods?

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oh, theres still that minor bug, thats been here forever, and really hurts the adrian monk in me : OrderBy Indicator is 100% wrong

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Experiencing an 80% drop in fps in the revamped combat anomalies, from 60 pre-Revenant to 12 fps.

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Everyone is seeing a massive performance hit post-Revenant. The only ways to recoup this is to:

  1. Set your shader quality to “Low” (which disables the new atmospheric effects).
  2. Start dropping clients (if you run more than one).
  3. Some combination of 1 and 2.
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Paragon Hub issue:

When entering a name for a specific target when creating a Paragon Hub order, if the entered text is too long (accidental paste of a longer text), the game client breaks apart. The message is displayed that the entered text is too long, but the client freezes and that message can not be closed. The only way to recover from the error is to kill the game in the Task Manager.

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Connection is dropping every 30seconds-5minutes

You can’t use Ctrl-(Shift-)Tab when a Ship Info window is open.

I would like to report that in addition to my previous report of no centralized/group listing in the Paragon Hub for designers, if I list a skin targeted to a specific character, the skin will appear to the targeted pilot, as predicted, in their Paragon Hub interface…but, but completely disappears from my, the designer’s Paragon Hub entirely.

I cannot even search for the private listing in the All Skins category.

The practical effect of this is…the skin has simply vanished, eaten by the system. It’s simply gone.

If the client/target does not purchase the skin, the designer has no way to retrieve that skin listing and delete it, and/or offer the skin for sale elsewhere.

Let me repeat this, you cannot delete the listing as there is no way for the creator/designer to search for it.

This has the potential, especially with high value skins, to become an excellent ingame CCP designed “griefing tool”.

lol, I’m sure this is unintended. :slight_smile:

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On a single client I have a normal performance again in the combat anoms with shader set to medium and the volumetric to medium. However, these settings make npc station interiors ugly and washed out.

The spyglass for the Eve Search (above Current System) has gotten a real sharp bright unmatching colour, this looks like an error. But at this point I would say it seems another intended “Quit Our Game Already!” addition from CCP.


Currently in the NES there’s 3 different skins, priced at 1 PLEX each, for each of these Tech 1 Destroyers:

Amarr Coercer Destroyer
Caldari Cormorant Destroyer
Gallante Catalyst Destroyer

Minmatar Tech 1 Destroyer Thrasher is not included with the 1 PLEX Ship Skin Sale in the NES.


Checked another account and all 4 Empire Tech 1 Destroyers each have 3 different skins available for 1 PLEX each, my mistake for not checking before I posted.

Seems I bought the 3 different Tech 1 Minmatar Destroyer ship skin deal for 1 PLEX each sometime in the past…

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Yea I would put the roman numerals on the top left it would also feel a bit more balanced.

" Minmatar Tech 1 Destroyer Thrasher is not included with the 1 PLEX Ship Skin Sale in the NES."
All the ductape ran out with their creation of the new ship lines so they where unable to use it for a new thrasher skin.

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