OrderBy Indicator is 100% wrong


Hey CCP sorry to bother you with ULTRA low priority bug but…

Did you ever notice that the triangles in the probe scanner window (orderby ascending/descending) are exactly the opposite way they would be in correct usage ( and also in every other window i checked )? The small edge oughta be where the small side is. :smiley:

Can you please fix that? It hurts my innerly Adrian Monk.

…or did you find that out and let it in as running gag? First time I recognized it was maybe 5 years ago… and its still that way.


Dude I noticed this exact same thing.

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If you treat the indicator as an arrow head (up / down) and not as a pyramid, then it all is correct. Most tables show it that way :thinking:

The inverted pyramid symbol is mostly used for filters imho…

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well besides that most UXes treat it differently (small up = sort ascending) , it should at least be consistent within ONE product, dont u think :smiley:

heres windows explorer

etc. etc. etc