[VERT-] [INIT.] Vertex Armada is Recruiting! Fly with the Armada. Join The Initiative

Vertex Armada (VERT-) is actively recruiting new faces both new and old to join us across all timezones. We fly proudly under The Initiative alliance based in the region of Fountain since November 2024.

Vertex Armada was formed from humble beginings in high security space. Since it’s inception, Vertex has continued to grow and write it’s place in the history books of New Eden since 2021.

Whatever your story thus far, from day 1 pilots to 20 year veterans, we understand how vital it is to be with a community of pilots that you truly connect with more than just names on a screen. A good community can make all the difference in making those magic moments along the way in your EVE story that much more special.

Why should I join Vertex?

  • Play Your Way: Pirate? Industrialist? Explorer? Market Guru? We don’t tell you how to make your ISK or spend your playtime, so long as it doesn’t break EVE-ToS we want all of our pilots to have fun playing EVE the way they see best. New Eden offers plenty of opportunity, no matter your playstyle, to find your own fun and make friends along the way.

  • A Community That Matters: We hold an “IRL first” mentality, valuing each pilot’s real-life responsibilities above our EVE duties, and fostering a positive and safe atmosphere in and out of game. We are Decent Pirates™: a community that welcomes all walks of life regardless of background, gender, race, orientation, or otherwise. Our inclusive, LGBTQ+ friendly community holds a firm zero tolerance policy towards hate, interpersonal negativity, and playstyle elitism.

  • New Member Support: We provide extensive support to our new members, including free handout ships to help get you started, internal mentors with expertise on all aspects of EVE, and access to an active alliance. We will help you get settled, stand on your own feet, and survive in New Eden.

  • Null Sec Riches: Tap into resource-rich space with unrivaled access to high-end ores, ice fields, and moon mining, with alliance-protected territories.

  • Advanced Production Facilities: Enjoy access to industrial complexes where you can craft everything from ammunition to Titans and everything in between.

“What’s expected of me?”

  • 5 Strategic Fleet Participations (FAT’s) per month during peacetime. We do expect you to be pushing on your stats further during wartimes. Our members should be willing to participate and contribute to the greater good of our alliance.

  • Headset + Microphone (Mics not required but highly encouraged) - In the year 2025, we don’t think it’s unrealistic to ask members to be willing to interact with its fellow community members and not be a lone wolf who plays in silence and doesn’t interact with fellow pilots.

  • ESI registration on both corp and Alliance auth sites (It’ll grant you access to services and more once complete and helps keep security neat and tight.)

  • Willingness to train into alliance doctrine ships and meet activity requirements as mentioned above.

  • Mature, positive, and friendly attitudes. We treat our pilots like family here, and stand firm against toxic behaviors towards others in our community.

To apply or for further assistance join ‘Vertex Pub Chat’ channel in game, or our discord (linked below). Follow the directions listed in the MOTD or create a ticket in our server and wait till an outreach member or director becomes available to discuss your application.

Zkillboard: Vertex Armada Killboard
Discord: Vertex Armada Discord
In-Game Chat: “Vertex Pub Chat”
Recruiter Discord Handles: Jasmine Luka @ skumbagsko (US) / bomberb12 @ bomberb2 (US) / sludge3000 @ sludge3000 (EU) / Artemis Bakaro @ sshado (US) / Princess Vamps @ princessvamps (EU)

For newbros / low SP pilots that want to start trying the Null sec life, feel free to check out the official newbro friendly INIT affiliated corp “Knock Knock” and start your journey under the INIT flag there.

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Bump, Recruitment rolls on another day!

Bumpity Bumpy! We’re still here and looking for more!

Recruitment still rolls on!

Uppies! All the way to the top of the board!

Back to the top! Come see what we’re about!