I am fully aware, and that is why I voted for them not to change it. I didn’t invest that much time into the fight only to have the loss undone because of some people on the forums.
I think there’s a communication breakdown, it seems all three of us are in agreement.
Yes, I do not understand why people started a vote on Niarja instead of fighting.
They correctly assumed that they would get blown up fighting, and incorrectly assumed that they were part of a vast “silent majority” and could win the day in the court of public opinion where they mightn’t get blown up.
Anyway if you guys want HS Niarja so badly, you can have it in Echoes?
But I don’t want it so badly, and playing Echoes would insult the legacy of Liberty Prime.
Agreed. I encourage those upset about the forced change to the game to unsub and just take some time off; that’s the only metric that makes a difference. Save your money and play something else.
Hohoho Comrade, just like the Tartars “decided” to go there themselves
When did stellar reconnaissance start anyway? I recall getting home from work, doing a quick check…
Kinda funny how edencom, before niarja, where a bunch of thug, gloating about pushing back a liminality system
But after niarja, they prefer asking ccp to change the outcome of an event instead of accept the result, whotever you like it or not
Looking at you Nala
The ■■■■ you talking about? Why would we ask CCP to change it back?
If you didn’t read the title, edencom got so upset that the create this vote in an attempt to change the status of niarja back to high sec
I don’t see how you extrapolate that from the title. Edencom has nothing to do with this poll.
You are extrapolating and misinterpreting to the point of falsehood. The post was created by Katarina Neeko with the question posed above. I see no indications from Katarina which betray her point of view. I see no call to action, by CCP, based on the outcome of this poll.
The only purpose of the poll above is to determine the general sentiment of the player base - and only that participating here in this forum.
Please stop lying.
As a fellow EDENCOM supporter, and participant in EDI fleets, I’ve not heard expressed any desire for CCP to intervene in such a manner. The consequences of EDENCOM failure in any given empire system are indeed dire - however, games such as this operate best when the rules are clearly understood and executed in a consistent manner.
I have in the past expressed distain toward this event due to the lack of foreknowledge of the consequences of given outcomes. I was away from game during the entire conquest of Niarja (or any other system) largely because I wasn’t informed… So I rather oddly find myself in a situation where player actions (that being by myself) are unable to effect the outcome - after the fact. What I most dislike about this event is the permanency and finality of any given invasion outcome without the possibility of latter intervention by players.
I didn’t fight in Niarja, I didn’t vote in the above poll, and I don’t want CCP to reverse the outcome… But I would like some mechanism where-by players might re-invade Niarja and restore it. I don’t agree with the notion that Trig Lovers won that system though any kind of superiority (other than gile and sleight of hand). The fight has not yet taken place in earnest, because, I wasn’t there… Now I am.
Sums it up perfectly
It doesn’t matter what people say in posts or vote in pseudo polls that really only measure which side is most active on the forums.The fate of Niarja was decided years ago by the few in EVE that actually get a vote we just didn’t see the outcome of those choices till now.
+1 for the Kosh quote
Meanwhile, in Niarja …
We all know CCP set it from the start of this ‘invasion’ that the trigs will win regardless what the players will do…
Don’t get be fooled by ‘couraging’ posts from CCP…it’s all set…
Would have been better if CCP had just declared half of high sec to trig territory without this mess…
In what way has this event been “set from the start”?
Every single Triglavian controlled system was fought over by the players, the only exceptions are some of the EDENCOM fortresses in Amarr space that were pushed by NPCs and the ones copied from Serenity.
It’s set from the start because his side is losing and rather than accept that they have a lack of manpower, coordination, or both, he has decided to blame CCP for rigging the event.
he is the literal embodiment of this old meme