Vote on Niarja

How did goons start out again?


So wise guy. Who am I winning when I beat mission npcs? Or when I do exploration sites? Or when I mine? lol


I dont have anything valuable in this game, just some pixels.

I am just fed up with how CCP treats players.


Other explorers, miners and people with isk.

Wealth is relative. And thus wealth generation is competitive.

Welcome to the economy :rofl:


Just to remind you its not really a competition if another guy is not competing you. So really I think you are simply some teenager that just beats other people in online game because he feels bad. Whoohoo, you got some balls dude.


It still is competition. Either in the belt, or being first to the market, or to sell at the best price, or to last the longest before getting ganked.

It may not be an intense competition at times, but trust me, everything in eve is competitive.

You are playing the most cutthroat game there is. Yes even in highsec.



The players crying about Niarja are players who don’t want any risk during an Amarr-Jita trip, whether Trigs, gankers, or whatever. In fact, they would prefer it if there was no risk at all, anywhere. They definitely don’t want to slip past gate camps in a blockade runner.

All they want to do is have money periodically deposited into their wallets while the game is running in the background while they’re doing something else, like watching TV.


You are wrong. Old gate camp mechanic is completely fine.


I demonstrated my "I don’t care"vote by not showing up to push the system either way. CCP put the matter up for playing to vote by showing up in the system to engage in the content. The vote is over.


the vote never over :upside_down_face: till it over :stuck_out_tongue:

This is still competition.

You’ve moved away from hubs so cannot generate wealth as fast due to travel times.

So those mission runners that stay near the hubs make isk faster than you (albeit with a bit extra risk).

If the first person to get to work got paid the most that day it would be. Cause that’s how it works in eve.


I’m sure that real rape victims appreciate the comparison.


Completely missing the point again. There are people that log into the game for casual fun and chat with friends. There is no competition in that. I choose to have distant spot from hubs because I want to. God listening you it sounds like you really think there is nothing else to life than money and competition. Its truly sad.

May god forgive you.

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To everyone who is in this thread arguing for or against what happened in Niarja, were you there on the front lines trying to flip the system one way or another? I don’t care what side you were on, but I don’t like people who whine about things that they could have done, but were not even there. There were many things that you can do even solo if you didn’t want to join a group. I saw 15-20 guys hold back a 100 man fleet just by repping rats in T1 logi cruisers. Even one person can slow down a large group in a cheap ship that cost less than 20 million isk if they didn’t want to join any of the fleets there.


Not always true. Sometimes you can find 4 such players in one hour. Sometimes all of them can’t be ganked and you lost your time for nothing.


That’s fine. But you still make less money than those at a less distant spot which means, relatively speaking, you are losing wealth.

This is why the eve populations generally crowd around markets. It’s more rewarding.

Welcome to the economy where time, does indeed, equal money.

Individuals like yourself may not worry about it that much, but just because they don’t doesn’t change the fact that eve, hi-sec included, is a competitive game.

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tell that to nala, she is complaining about since seconds after the fall of niarja

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You can still shoot people in those systems. Just not gank noobs.