Vote on Niarja

Nom nom :yum:

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Maybe the triglavians will raid their HQ and we can find out

Iā€™m likely not in the majority but I myself happen to be a high sec care bear. Yet Iā€™m also one of the original kybernaut members thatā€™s fought in every major invasion fleet. Not disagreeing with the fact that most carebears donā€™t want random high sec systems going null. Iā€™m just stating that not all carebears fit that mold.


Did you know that the decent Dredd film kind of references Soylent Green when he calls for a crew to take the mess on the floor to Resyk?

Nothing goes to waste in Mega-City One, not even the dead. Due to the massive population of the city, and incredibly close confines, burying the dead is a privilege reserved for the super-rich. Most corpses are sent to the nearest Resyk centre, where the body is broken down into its component parts, and rendered into other materials. Funeral services are frequently held at Resyk so the bereaved can say goodbye to their loved ones, and purchase reasonably priced souvenirs at the gift shop

Other materials being a euphemism for food. IIRC one of the creators of the comic strip said that Mega-City One was inspired by the book and 2000AD has a relationship with the author in that theyā€™ve run the Stainless Steel Rat series of books in the comic.


Iā€™m a care bear and I wanted Niarja to fall


Welcome to the 99%. Donā€™t let the tough talk fool you. Most people posting how elite they are would ā– ā– ā– ā–  their pants if they didnā€™t have an FC telling them what to do and a blob to back them up.


Confirming my blob is bigger than your blob.

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FC thereā€™s a mean post calling us a blob

What do


Put your blob in my wormhole

Oh look. Another four hour old character looking for rep. Try LAGL for a week and then come back over here.

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Who are you

Yup, like the one with null blackout. You must be really blind. Good luck with storms.

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First of all, comparing the act of killing an internet spaceship to a rape is disgusting.

But more importantly for the topic, yes, it absolutely IS competition and real PvP.

You just have to grow-up a bit and understand that the PvP part start way before the moment ships are actually shooting each other.

When you fit your ship, it is already competition and real PvP. If you decide to undock a ship that is not able to properly defend itself, then you are already doing a PvP mistake. Iā€™m pretty sure you are gonna denny that and cry about how ā€œyOu ArE jUsT pLaYiNg FoR fUnā€, but the fact is, it doesnā€™t matter.

You canā€™t ask a soccer player to not score goals against your team because ā€œyou are playing soccer for fun and you donā€™t like losingā€. Same goes for EvE.


Well said

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What I really want to happen is that the ā€˜traitorsā€™ who joined the trigs lose security status and that eventually a method to beat back the trig invasion happens and that all these lovely trig sympathisers find themselves with a -10 sec status.



Vote has already been done at Niarja that day.

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Yeah, in a way they did.

I think CCP just got fed up with the arguments and decided to let the players sort it out for themselves.

So if nobody defends obviously they donā€™t care much what it is.

Hereā€™s the thing you might be overlooking: they might win again. Unless, of course, you want it to happen in a way in which they canā€™t fight back, and their loss would be guaranteed, which would indeed be quite a carebear stance.

Where I live, theyā€™re already outlawing competitive sports in school, removing ā€œpointsā€ and ā€œwinnersā€ and ā€œlosersā€ from competitions, trying to ban contact sports, etc. etc.

Also, Iā€™ve quite literally played FPS games recently in which Iā€™ve observed players complaining that they were getting shot by the enemy team, and not allowed to take their objectives/farm their points in peace. And Iā€™m not even talking about hardcore survival games here, which have their own massive carebear whining problem.

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Sounds good to me, thatā€™s what should happen in all schools and it probably will be the norm eventually.