Vote on Niarja

Not trying to be a carebear here but he has a point. It’s impossible to be truly neutral in this conflict because CCP made edencom shoot players with negative standings. Unless you think the less than 0.001 microtick you need to be neutral is intended and not a bug

Good thing you’re not shooting players during the invasion, you’re shooting NPCs, something Highsec people should be great at.

Also you had 48 hours to do anything about it, it was announced literally EVERYWHERE and on EVERY social media platform, so the 'had no chance to defend it" is an outright lie.



What happened one year ago?

So many of these:


Neutrals get shot at all the time during invasions, it’s the nature of the beast.


In IRL modern-day wars attacking civilians is a war crime. Theres probably other games that don’t force you to be involved in whatever NPC wars happen from time to time, but don’t quote me on that cuz I don’t really play other games much

It still happens though, and the people who do it rarely get punished.

I’m not going to comment further on this because it’s edging towards real life politics which is verboten.

Warfare being the continuation of politics with other means.

I’m on one month vacation on Bermuda not playing the game. Beat it. Beach is beautiful and full of sand. I hope I’ll have hi-sec to return to. I started in hi-sec, you know. I don’t like while the game plays me not the other way.

No. I’ll play alpha. What made you think I’ll give my stuff to you?

Oh no, not so fast. We must change the rules that apply to null. In 2023 there will be new race: Quadlavians. They will beat Triglavians and take sov of null with new mechanic in under 20 hours, then they will turn system security up to 0.5 and above. Sure you can still use null mechanic like bubbles or cyno and fly Titans/Supers but Quadlavians will have them too and will spawn on every station and gate. Sounds good? You must choose: do you side with Triglavians or Quadlavians? That would spice up the game and made it less boring in null than just Rorqual mining and status quo wars. In Chapter 4 they will randomly turn the rest few null systems into WH making only small null islands. The null ore will get nerfed too. You should be happy and very content with the other surprises we have for you. In Chapter 5.


Was it not EVE players that put Niarja in the state that it’s in?


Edencom would have won if Imperium (large null sec Alliances) did not help out the Triglavian

in fact Niarja lost to Triglavians in record time!

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Udema Next Pls, then Hek :crazy_face:

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What colour is Jita’s star?


Last time I looked the Imperium was made up of EVE players.

who knows maybe they are bots Kappa

If High Sec is the kiddie pool then they should have stayed out of the kiddie pool and you need to leave the kiddie pool :rofl:

Maybe all the anti-triglavian players are bots so we should reverse any system where edencom has won and flip them to nullsec.

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/deploys Tear Collection Array II


Indeed, it’s possible to think of yourself as neutral and act as such; what everybody else thinks is another matter entirely.

I don’t think the trigs or edoncom care.

What’s the Quafe recipe?

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Soylent Green

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