Vote Today – Help Us Name Our Meeting Rooms!

Ship class names is currently winning with 35% followed by Solar System Names at 28% and Region Names at 26%.

The poll heavily favors Ship Class Names by design (one could almost call it rigged) due to Locations being split up into 3 categories. It makes sense for a room (which is a location) to be named after a location, but splitting locations up into 3 options will divide the vote. At this time, the majority of voters (65%) feel rooms should be named after locations, but due to the construction of the poll it is unlikely anything other than Ship Class Names has a fair chance.

I’m not saying this is rigged, because the creator might have thought more options for locations=more chance a location will win… If that was the intention, it has failed.

But to put it in perspective, this is nothing to get upset about, and possibly CCP can learn from their poll design if this was in fact unintended… Plus, ships in EVE are huge, large enough to imagine a room is inside of one… Ship Classes could make for some easy decor of themed ships, and maybe groups of rooms could be region themed as well, maybe with hallways painted in line with Regions.

My childhood room was painted from the moons perspective of space, and I can only imagine the unique spacescapes of different regions as one would walk down the hallways to the Destroyer room or something :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: