Всем привет. Интересно к кому и куда обратиться с предложением развития игры.
Играю недавно, живу в империи. Достали при выходе в лоусек ОСОБО ОПАСНЫЕ. Хочу мстить, но в лоусеке биться не в силах. Убьют толпой. Есть предложение. Разрешить атаку в империи на особо опасных без предупреждения и их согласия один на один., запрет особо опасному на варп в империи.
Он же сильный и прокачанный, чего ему боятся. А развлекуха и для него и для жителя империи.
You might have more luck on the Russian forum section
So I in the Russian sector and unsubscribed. Perhaps the topic in both sectors of the parsley.
English version of the translation for convenience.
Hello. It is interesting to whom and where to turn with the proposal for the development of the game.
I play recently, I live in the empire. Particularly at the exit to the Lowes, DANGEROUS. I want to take revenge, but I can not fight in the lowsek. They will kill the crowd. There is a proposal. Allow an attack in the empire on especially dangerous without warning and their consent one by one., Ban especially dangerous on the warp in the empire.
He is strong and pumped, what they are afraid of. A razvlekuha for him and for a resident of the empire.
When you have been shot down by this player recently, then you will have received a kill right. Wait for the player to return to high-sec and activate the kill right.
Otherwise is there no help. When the player is now on the run and in low-sec will he have more to worry about from other players anyway.
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