War dec on citadel's

Still need your paperwork in order though.

This is arguable.

All other placed/anchored player structure/entities, MTU/Crates/Mobile Depots/etc are held to a suspect tag when aggressed.

The function of wardec, is to void CONCORD reaction and/or suspect flag.

Noting the proliferation of Citadels in HS, which all are impairing each others business, I’m not so sure this isnt a good idea.

As I said above, the counter-balance is the suspect flag, meaning anyone and everyone can warp in and have some PvP fun against the Citadel aggressors, whereas if its wardec dependant as now, nobody else can intervene.

If you use a freighter carrying your stuff from A to B, you can also lose everything

Citadels should be like any other ship and like POSes… where the loot fairy is queen.


Yes, although I don’t see many people doing it because Omg anyone can shoot me nao

Different situation. If you are able to shoot my freighter full of stuff - when I’m off-line - then one of us needs a talking to by CCP.

–Naughty-but-not-that-naughty Gadget

Nobody can shoot you when you are offline, unless you didnt log out safely.

Those are explicit conflict drivers and personal bits and bobs.

Citadel’s are corp assets and serve to replace pos’s and outposts.

Believe me if you’d spent as much time suspect as I have you wouldn’t be trusting anything more than a throwaway frigate to that system, nevermind a citadel.

I agree that they’re a massive pain in the arse to deal with but that’s because wars need work

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Citadels should still be like POSes are/were when it came to hangars and stuff…

Unless you emptied them beforehand all of the loot should be dropped according to the fairy… not be kept in some random box to keep stuff safe

Basically every citadel should act like it was in W-space

Exactly, but I could lose my stuff if it were stored in a Citadel even if I were offline (assuming the negation of asset safety).

–Clarifying Gadget

I assume this was accidentally addressed to me, rather than Dom Arkaral’s post.

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But then you will have a trail of marketers crying at ccps door because their assets are not safe and the bad guys took them away. Dropping assets would encourage people to actually THINK before they use the market hubs and DEFEND when their assets are at risk. But you must understand that CCP is a game that is on a negative path and they must dance on their toes to make people happy. They are very good at what they do props to them, but they lack imagination and they have dinosaurs still working in key positions.

Same stuff happened with POSes
I know people who made a lot of money looking around for offlined POSes with hangars and labs.

I don’t see why citadels should be any different if they’re supposed to take over :wink:

I disagree - partly.

I think that HS citadels (and other structures) should keep asset safety, but other areas should have it dropped. I also think that the recovery fee should always apply no matter where your stuff ends up. You’re paying an NPC third party, as far as I’m concerned.

–Gadget also partly agrees


–Sorry Gadget

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Between us, if CCP keeps catering to those crying fools, we’re going to end up with a WOW clone

I feel like they’ve lost their HTFU attitude a long time ago

heh… hot topic.

I hate suspect logi, and I’m sure suspect citadel bashing would break things even more.
And asset safety… even if I have used it myself, I think it is a bad mechanic.
Just my 2 cents on the subject… (I had planned a rant… but I wont bother.)

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suspect bashing with suspect logi, you know itd happen

You cant intervene in a fight without consequences.

It would mean everyone can join in on the fight, regardless of wardec status.

I agree its a bad mechanic, but not in the way you mean.
Without asset safety, especially in HS as is relevant to this topic, assets will simply be stored in system NPC stations instead. In other words, changing HS asset safety parameters, makes very little difference.

WTF did people do before citadels… yeah… they used pos’s with loot fairy as judge and jury.


Imho you should not be able to intervene in a “legal” fight in hs.

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HS POS also stored their assets in NPC stations, if they had any sense.

You cant intervene in a Wardec fight without Wardec status, but you can always aggress suspects.
Thats the whole point in my previous post.