War dec on citadel's

Go try and kill suspect logos
Just try

Nutral logi is absolutely interference.
Logi should be in house or allied in, essentially it Should be “on the table” and visible when it’s in local.

Ehm… suspect logi in a fight between people that have wardecced each other is intervening… right?
And if your in house logi reps one of their own corp mates… and he has shot at the opponents suspect logi, voila… your logi goes suspect as well.

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^^ this is why you don’t want to have crime watch dealing with anything like citadel’s.

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But how would you as a trader know your assets are at risk? You may not be a member of the corporate alliance who own the structure. Would a mail be generated every time the structure is attacked? Only when entering reinforce? Seems like an odd way of trying to encourage the use of Citadels as a trade hub.

CCP is primarily a business. One who’s trying to survive with a ppm strategy on a f2p market. DOH and they wonder why they are losing the economic battle. Next update you will fly dreads with alphas :))

Strategy tip : instead of enforcing a ppm model try to switch to an inviting ppm model even if scrubs will yell at the top of their lungs pay 2 win.

Marketing : is where CCP fails miserably. The online-offline hybrid was made by a team of people who used to be marketing experts around 1800 selling tea from China to the US. Example : Evesterdam, a bunch of players organized a large scale event. CCP did not even bother to broadcast live that event. I would have fired the entire marketing team for such a mistake. You get events for free and you don’t give a ■■■■ about them LOL. Not to mention the milion other strategies they could have applied. Community is everything. Open offices in eastern EU it is cheaper and people work harder. Bigger bang for the buck. Plus you have a pool of very smart people there.

Yet they do not know how to integrate the new players who get ganked in highsec, or go for the “riches” of null flying a freighter :))

I love this game, don’t get me wrong :slight_smile: Citadels in highsec will grow their numbers.

The owner must have an interface through which he communicates with the sellers. Plus this would develop relationships. Traders will come together and pay attention where they will drop their merchandise.

This is a great idea. Suspect timers all round! I for one relish the idea of helping or hindering at whim.

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The logi engagement mechanics are stupid.

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so your ok with full goonswarm fleets or other large groups to come in and take over entire systems. got it. and don’t say they wouldn’t because we all know they would.

They dont care about HS or the other Citadels there.
They buy their import from Jita or wherever its incidentally cheap on the way to and from HS to NS, and run all their own pre-fabrication in their own allied/owned structures.

Goons infact prefer there are more Citadels in HS, because it lowers prices via competition, for them to buy and ship back to Delve.

I dont know how many of the most trafficked Citadel markets are owned by Goons et affiliates, especially in Perimeter, but it doesnt really matter in regards to OP. They have more than enough isk to buy wardec and wreck competitiors, whether or not a Citadel can be aggressed for a suspect flag.

TLDR: Aggressing Citadels for a suspect flag empowers poorer entities, not the rich. The rich dont give a sht about the wardec cost, whereas poorer do.

So the idea is, if i wish to legally remove a citadel im at war with then everyone should be allowed to shoot me?

Yeah, I’m sure CCP is going to jump right on putting this into development.

Legally would be by wardec.
If you wardec the owner, nobody else can intervene without CONCORD reaction.
(Putting aside stupid logi rules of engagement for now)

What is being proposed, is a suspect flag for attacking a Citadel without a wardec, thus making you a free target for everyone, without CONCORD reaction on you or them.

TLDR: A suspect flag makes you half-illegal. Enough for other players to shoot you, but not enough for CONCORD to intervene either on you or them.

This doesn’t bother me at all, just gives me more people to blow up suspect, aslong as it didn’t effect the current mechanics in place I wouldn’t mind this.



It wouldnt directly change wardec mechanics.
(Caveat: It infact empowers poor entities, cos they wouldnt need to pay wardec costs to aggress Citadels they want gone, let alone larger wardec costs against more populous opponents.)

I think Ramona sized it up well when she said:

Meaning anyone can join in on the fun, on either side.
Fun for everyone and more PvP opportunity in HS!

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I still think ye are underestimating how arseways the crimewatch flagging system interacts with anything more complicated than nicking damsels or pooping mtu’s.

If ye think citadel’s should be more engageable that’s grand, let’s work on that but flagging like this will get really really fucky really quickly,

People will bring fleets and Allies, two things that inherit and proliferate flags in rather befuckered and stupid ways.

Trust me , id love these things to be easier to kick over but It’s up to the task.

But they can already do that with wardecs, anyways.

Yeah without involving the flagging system at all outside of neutral logi (bullshite) and Allies (just plain screwy)

I’m generally in favour of ideas that increase the possibility of destruction in the game.

At the same time, I think there’s a risk in this proposal that highsec will just become the whipping post of every lowsec/nullsec group looking to try new doctrines/find easy content/prepare for real campaigns/etc.

The people in highsec are fundamentally different from those in lowsec, who are different from those in null.

Highsec players still have aspirations to owning their own assets, but they aren’t as prepared (psychologically or experience) to defend them against larger groups. The mechanics of CONCORD are one of the benefits that highsec offers, and other players rarely if ever come to lend a hand (and most in highsec wont ever reach out and ask for help).

It would be easy under this proposal, for fleets our of low/null/wh to find a quiet system and just bash a Citadel, never really facing any opposition.

On the one hand that seems great, but on the other, it takes away existing protection that highsec offers and there will be little that highsec dwellers will do, other than be frustrated.

I think that would be a bad outcome. Upwell structures shouldn’t be any more vulnerable than a POCO or POS, and if someone wants to attack, they should just pay the wardec fee.

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I can see that a suspect flag for citadel attacks might lead to more conflict. But what kind of conflict will this be? Except the removal of a citadel there isn’t much to gain (until you take ransoming the owners into consideration).
I’d rather see asset safety much more restricted, like: none in null sec and only for fueled citadels in low and high sec, and the wardec mechanics still in place.
Having both, more convinient citadel attacks and less asset safety, should not be an option, as it shifts the balance too much towards the attacker.