Just to put a slightly different view forward. CCP missed the mark in the wardec changes.
Not the aspect of introducing social corps and providing a safe haven for players that want to be immune from wardecs. That is perfectly fine.
The pre-change wardec mechanics were broken. But aside from the safe haven, has much changed, to make the mechanics engaging for those that want to engage in that playstyle?
Prior to the changes, CCP Larrikin pointed out 4 major statistics:
The impact of the affect on activity is highlighted by your own comment in the CSM minutes - “Brisc Rubal noted that the numbers here were so stark, it would justify immediately removing war decs as a mechanic and promising a fix after the fact.”
However, in the 39974 wars up to a couple of days ago since the changes started in December 2018:
- Wars that involve a defender kill: 6% (just 2449 wars)
- Number of corps/alliances responsible for 50% of wars: 6 (3 groups alone are almost the full 50%)
P I R A T is the one at the top there.
The current 50% of all wars breaks down at:
Group |
Wars |
P I R A T |
7389 |
Hell Dawn |
1589 |
Hog Hitmen |
993 |
Pirates Of New Eden (P I R A T) |
897 |
Marmite (P I R A T) |
811 |
Hell House (Hell Dawn) |
672 |
WeR4 |
653 |
Pirates Of New Eden 2 (P I R A T) |
591 |
Jedi knight Meditation universe X |
527 |
Jita Holding Inc. |
424 |
The Clown Show Crew (P I R A T) |
374 |
Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse (P I R A T) |
332 |
Danger Gnomes (P I R A T) |
331 |
… |
… |
R I 0 T is the next group, and they are dead now (no active wars since April 2019). P I R A T represent almost 1 in every 3 wars by themself now when you sum up their different groups (that join and leave the alliance for different contracts, etc.)
Some of the previously active groups have left the game all together.
At the same time, defenders aren’t taking up the “if we have a reason to fight, we will” message that was a big talking point of proposals and part of CCP’s stated aims in changing the wardecs, as mentioned in this devblog and the others:
One of the constant frustration points among both sides of war declarations has always been the lack of conflict seen in many wars. As much as possible we want to encourage the types of wars that will generate pvp rather than one or both sides staying docked.
The most significant and expansive of our upcoming changes are currently planned for the May release. The May changes are intended to provide clearer and more specific goals for defenders in war declarations,
Plotting the wars against kills:
- 1 in 3 wars has an aggressor get a kill (lot’s on 1 kill structure wars)
- 1 in 17 wars has a defender get a kill (and far fewer kills)
Those wars with lots of defender kills are related to the Perimeter games between nullsec groups and not highsec kills for the most part (eg. Goons v Horde war resulted in 24073 kills for Goons v 16018 kills for Horde and >90% of the kills were outside highsec and just normal pvp activities).
So eliminating as much of that as possible, the ratio of attacker kills v defender kills hasn’t moved. It’s still close to 105:1
The only real affect of the changes has been the contribution towards player activity and retention. That is good. I’m not knocking that. Just lamenting that the focus was stated to be about overcoming “constant frustration points among both sides of war declarations”.
It’s only done that for one side. It’s arguably left the other side more frustrated than ever.
There’s still a lot of room for CCP to actually deliver on what they stated were the full goals, but now that they have moved onto other things, wardecs just get the tick in the box - that’s done, next project.
Meanwhile, the landscape of wars will continue to receive complaints because the hub humping hasn’t really changed for the most part, and the mechanics work against smaller groups and hunters, that used to offer good services to corporations, and engaging gameplay.
Hopefully it won’t take another 8 years for CCP to actually design something good.