WarDec System Change Failure

You liked everything I had to say in my last two posts and this is what your going with now?

Merc Monopoly is the current wardec system, congratulations now there is 1 blanket Dec alliance full of every merc in the game, no more competion for Ingame business, no more personal sized mercs. Structure war is retarded and boring, people play Eve to fight ships not grind structures which is a 100% dull and boring.

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Umm. no. I liked what you said two posts ago and the one before that. Doesn’t mean I liked everything you said in you posts so…

Yep and that needs to be fix…already been down this road a few times in this thread so…

Then don’t do it…

Not everyone so…

It’s not like we didn’t predict this outcome in pretty much every wardec nerf thread either.


Correct… From discord to forums to Reddit and venues everyone has heard our soapbox points and it’s all completely ignored

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Structure bashing is the whole point of this new war mechanic.

It’s also not like the mercs weren’t slowly doing this before any wardec nerfs happened also.
At worst all it did was speed the process up.

It’s easy to predict doom & gloom and then make it happen when you are the ones in control

Does this stuff just roll from your brain, out through your nose and down your arms to your fingertips, or do you have to force it out by rocking your head back and forth violently?

Genuinely curious.


You’ve got to love sweeping generalizations, right?

Flag more pls.

Selectively sensitive types both intrigue and fascinate me.

UPDATE: … aaand flagged for a second time, without good reason. Tiresome.


So you think the current crap state of the merc scene was our choice?

Nope. We are the ones suffering the hardest

The griefers and mercs of highsec know what’s going to happen when wars and mechanics are nerfed the same way you know what is going to happen when they nerf a mining Hull.

Sadly, CCP doesn’t have people who play the fighting side of the game making decisions… or they too would see what is going to happen as clearly as we do.


Not really as I already pointed out…the 50M nibbles away just enough to make the averages start to look less and less interesting.

That is the direction in which war dec players took it, I keep pointing out that their attitudes and actions took it in this direction anyway.

After this change in terms of war HQ’s everyone merged into one merc alliance because of fear of nullsec, over time some of the players who did so will realise that this is a dumb move. It has been done so they can continue to war dec nullsec blocks where these so called mercs get most of their easy kills from. Cause and affect…

I think it is great because PIRAT are concentrated in other areas. But I know that eventually the more independent players will break away again when they realise it was not exactly a good thing to do.

This is silly. You’re silly.

The merc scene isn’t a monopoly because the groups conspired to create a juggernaut.

It’s a monopoly because after all the attrition… the PIRAT wasn’t closing down operations.

And, everyone needed someone to pay for war decs because they’re too expensive for small fighting corps.

Not to mention that Bashing and defending citadels isn’t really suited to small corps. I mean, really… nobody thought this would cause more consolidation of whoever was left?

This is all shaped by the nerfs. Personally, I’m impressed PIRAT has still got it together.

Structure bashing isn’t my idea of a good time.


He’s well aware of it, too.

Nor anyone else for the most part. He also knows this.

If you had a black cat, he’d try to convince you it was white. I’ve never encountered anyone quite as deluded and to be frank I feel that’s exactly what he is and not the troll that many assume him to be.

If you check his post history you’ll also see he has Soothsaying at V.

It suits his agenda, Mo, let him roll with it. The kids find him amusing.


I have a policy of ignoring him, actually.

I was feeling like a clarification for other threadgoers had a place this morning.

Re-engaging Dravclad ignore policy…

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For he is TheDrac!

Touch a nerve did I.

The creation of a single entity is based on being able to compete with nullsec alliances when they come to hisec to close down the war, it is quite plainly stated by a number of people. Call them silly then.

PIRAT are actually smart players and their current leader is especially clever.

The cost of war decking larger entities went down, but I would agree that war decs at 100m are too expensive, in fact I thought 50m was too expensive too. Personally I would reduce the cost to about 20m

Blowing up an undefended structure is really easy, I can do that on my own. Blowing up a manned one is actually not that difficult and a small competent corp should be able to do it. No wonder mercs are in such a mess if they get beaten by unmanned forts.

PIRAT are smart able players, they don’t wallow in self pity over the past.

So what, you have to pick the targets that suit you.

Another layer of salt coming my way…

Did I say it was a good time for you or for Mo? Some people don’t mind doing it as a means to an end, I am in that group. I have the willpower to do it if I want to. That you two don’t is not my issue and to try to pin it back to oh it is boring is just lame.

When I was in the war dec discord and after I left it I was pushing for CCP to allow 3 war decs per entity without the need for any structures on the defenders side. Of course you are too unobservant to note that I did this and even to understand why. With the lack of remote RR this would be a good change that CCP could do now.

But of course you can just throw comments like deluded or troll at me.

I predict what happens, sometimes I get it right, some times I don’t, I expected that the war deckers would group up, I did not expect Marmite to fold into PIRAT. I expect that war deckers will break apart into smaller groups at some point in the future, but I expect PIRAT will maintain their main core. I hoped that they would all gang up and focus on one area leaving large areas of space free of war deckers.

So Soothsaying V sounds like a good skill to have.

Good you don’t debate very well in any case. :stuck_out_tongue:

Your rebuttal spans the height of two screens.

If you keep throwing those stones you may very well bring the whole greenhouse down.

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The sky is blue. The grass is green.

What are your thoughts?


@Ghost_O_Mo and of course you.

I was replying to two bitter vets who are wallowing in self pity and who both gave me the normal lame excuses, which is a shame because at one point in time you were both good players.

I never thought that how it is now is your choice, but many players and PIRAT as an alliance abused the war dec system to farm and it came back after a very long time to bite them on the ass, after the impact of that abuse was such that even CCP could not ignore it. So in time honoured CCP fashion they over reacted and threw out the small corp war decs with the blanket war dec bath water.

I want CCP to allow three war decs per entity without them having to have a structure on both sides. Why would I suggest that and keep posting that? But it is too easy to run around calling people deluded.