WarDec, War Room: Suggestions for the Wardec Project

I’m going to hate myself in the morning. In fact it won’t even get that far…

Planetside 2.

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I’m going to have pleasant dreams tonight~

I think the only thing that everyone can agree on is that WarDecs suck. Period.

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Just like SOV?

Just like FozzieSov, yep.

Oh, I had such a wicked thread on turning FozzieSOV into PI-SOV, everyone hated it.

Just adding this in to this thread:

I have suggested that there be a CONCORD agent in a defined citadel, which will allow the entity to declare more than 4 war decs, the agent will also give intel on location and activity of the targets if you go to speak to him in the citadel, and I would suggest that the cost to war dec major entities be reduced because of this.

The war decs will be tied to that agent in the citadel, should the citadel be destroyed then all the linked war decs will end apart from the four last ones applied and it will take a couple of days for an agent to come to a replacement citadel. So the citadel with the CONCORD agent is a meaningful strategic objective.

This is how I would tie war decs into structures.

A question for you then.

Why an Agent instead of a Service module (the famously discussed WarRoom) or a specific type of Citadel?

Because an agent is the representative of CONCORD and they are accepting a bribe to allow war decs, so for good customers a personalized service. Furthermore it enables the locator agent type service to be tuned with activity data and a slightly faster response time. I also want them to have to go see the agent with a character.

I see more lore reasons here than functional. Although I like the idea of the screen with the CONCORD agent asking “Are you SURE you want to declare this war?”

Anyway, I don’t see what a CONCORD agent would give that a Service module or a specific structure couldn’t also provide. A service module can drop, it can be interacted with the same way as an agent (as in bringing in a window showing a CONCORD representative when you use the module).

And one of the idea I had for the WarDec structure would be a Diplomatic… Lounge, instead of the spiky, militaristic and brutish idea one would have of a Command Structure.
Essentially this would be the place where you receive CONCORD officials to convince them to look the other way, and where you would sign contracts on behalf of your corp with the NPCs Corporations (I’m still trying to think out a system to create a sort of Corporate Warfare in High-sec).

So yeah, I agree with the functionality, but I don’t see why it has to go through an agent instead of just a service module.

An agent or a module would work, I just thought it was easier for CCP to effectively use an agent and just modify it.

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