This is a very short post providing a rough outline of an idea regarding the current wardec system. It certainly deserves more detail and attention, but I wanted to keep it short to explore the ideas and thoughts of others on the subject to see what might emerge.
The problem, as I see it
Wardec mechanics in the past prior to the inclusion of war hq’s (I’m unsure about which expansion exactly) were far too excessive, and oppressive. The current wardec mechanics alleviate this issue by making war declarations potentially more costly when risking the loss of an hq structure, if not impossible when a target is unwardeccable. The good thing about the old system, obviously and despite its flaws, was content – there was a market for even small mercenary corps to assist in the wardec, gatecamp, and docking game shennanigans that were too frequently the norm. The downside is much of this content is no longer viable as actual war-related content tends to be limited to groups that have the ability to engage at a level that requires hq-destroying capabilities. In effect, wars, while still common, seem to involve far less organizations within highsec. Further, the current system limits the ability of smaller corps to wage legitimate wars, effectively tying their hands unless they can afford to risk the considerably larger losses, compared to the older system, or to outright hire a more capable wardeccing corp to wage their war for them.
Firstly, let me clarify that I appreciate the current system. I think the massive changes were much needed. But I think it can be improved upon.
My proposed solution
I think the current system needs to be retained, but built ontop of with a negotiation phase which allows for attackers and defenders to opt, by agreement, for an isk deposit as the predetermined bounty for the victor, giving participants the option to lower the risk of warfare if it is mutually agreed upon. Further, during this negotiation phase, I would like to see an option to recruit external corps as mercenaries. In the case that this happens it would modify the rules of warfare entirely, but temporarily. Once a mercenary group is hired by a participant, the participant is legally removed from the conflict until the outcome of a proxy war is met, at which point, the war resumes as normal, except that only the structures of the loser are open to attack. A proxy war would not allow for any structures to be vulnerable and can only be won by something like a point system, through ship losses on each side.
The negotiation phase with an isk deposit would allow corps to 1) lower the risk of substantial losses through mutual consent and 2) encourage the frequency of wardecs while maintaining the protections corps now have from the oppressive wardecs of the past. The proxy war mechanic I’ve proposed would both 1) obviously improve upon content opportunities available to external corps, and 2) allow for corps to engage in warfare with the possibility of avoiding direct conflict entirely. Lastly, since the current mechanics would largely remain in place, wars could still continue as they are now waged in highsec, should negotiations or other factors fail to affect the war.
In effect, something close to this wardec system should allow wars to be waged on a smaller scale, for cheaper and in such a way that incentivizes particpants to include outsiders, to increase the frequency of wars and while creating opportunity for more war-related content for more players. Meanwhile corps could continue to enjoy protection from the oppressive wardec mechanics of the past.
I’m interested to hear other’s thoughts or suggestions.