We need to change the way how alliance fight with each other

The alliance and coalition War is taking over the place of the eve storyline. Make this game so player oriented and boring. Because it is really confusing to the new players, people has to know the story of alliance etc. Moreover, it is not a dynamic system of politics. We keep seeing players who is becoming earnest ratter, Economics weighs more important than the fun of small scale battles. The maintenance of big alliance should be more costly, and so is the cost of waging war.

Last but not the least, if there are alliance like goons federation. Shouldn’t the politics be more like a empire? rather than bunch of corporation? May be There would be a choice for establishing a country in eve in the future?

What makes you think goonswarm federation was inexpensive to run?

An organization of that size is for certainly causing a full time job for the diplomats trying to tackle the drama. They have who knows how many cloud services running that all need to be payed, and more importantly also need to be developed.


Cloud services for what…?

I understand you want a game that is not player-oriented.

I believe trolling is all you want.


Discord, IRC, Websites. Alliance developed tools like GARPA.
The list goes on.
Most of the the big alliances in this game have an Information Technology branch with the kind of dedication and talent that could put many Fortune 500 companies to shame.


I wonder how all that is paid for

Server space is generally paid for by alliance member donations.
The programming and stuff is generally volunteers.