Well this is new, wtf error?

Keep getting DC’d from game…

Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.This may be caused by local internet connectivity issues, by a server reboot, or by a temporary network disruption between your location and the EVE Online data center.

also seems im not the only one by far


Could be any number of causes, could just be something on the route between you and the server and unless anyone else is using the exact same route they won’t see issues, just eliminate the usual suspects by making sure you’re using a wired connection and that you’ve rebooted your router and that nobody is excessively using your connection with entirely legal and above board downloads

EvE Offline says otherwise. It’s probably an ISP issue.

Maybe someone doenst like scammers?

happens to me constantly…I only play a few hours a day and it happens 8-10 times in those 2-3 hours I get to play. Frustrating as hell

nope you arent the only one… getting that message all the time… about 2 hours between.

Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.This may be caused by local internet connectivity issues, by a server reboot, or by a temporary network disruption between your location and the EVE Online data center

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