What are the benefits of being a part of NPC corp/alliance?

I noticed many vet players and new ones decide to join NPC factions and stick to it. I’m wondering what are pros and cons of being a part of NPC factions, especially pirate factions. Bonus standing points? Bouns loyalty points? You are pretty much free of player drama and bureaucracy?


When you ask a question or tell a joke in NPC corp chat, you’ll actually get a response.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Pros: Lots of people chatting and to see, no wars, anonymity, lots of knowledge at hand in the active corp chat
Cons: 10% tax and hypernet, SP, scam contract spam which needs to be blocked


The spam can be blocked the same way you block local, in fact every chat window has the same options to nuke stuff into orbit regarding that. Thank goodness!!

Pirate factions are for Faction Warfare. They have a unique LP store and items you can gain there for both the factions. There is always some drama but noones in charge so to speak so you can do what you want, chat when you want, and just do your own thing at your own pace while having some company along the way. Downsides are that you cant control who says what and sometimes the chat does get inane or even toxic to a point.

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If you manage to train a decent amount of SP and decide to sell the character, a lot of buyers want the character to have a clean corp history.


For Factional Warfare the NPC corporations offer 0% LP tax and 0% ISK tax, plus you stay out of politics and have a lobby full of people to talk to.

So, for FW it is very good, the only disadvantage is not being able to open your own corporation office and not being able to anchor structures, but a lot of people don’t even want to do this anyway so for them there’s no disadvantage.


This does make you eligible to be shot at by opposing FW participants, yes?

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Doesn’t matter if you’re in a player corp or not, you’ll still be greefed in local whether you have the proper permits.

NPC corps don’t offer mentors or tell you what you’re doing wrong. They don’t help you at all. You may as well be playing the game solo.

FW, you get Alliance and Corp holographic emblems that you can place on your ships! Structures and moon mining can be fun too.

You should put a new character in CAS for a month. You might be surprised at how much more you learn than in most player corps. They organize mining ops, low/null roams, misson buddy ups, etc.

I’m only mentioning CAS as it’s the most familiar to me. Other NPC corps may be the same.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Yes, you will be against two factions at all times, average of 300 to 800 pilots against depending on the factions you face and timezone, you will see them with flashy red icon with a white star, which translates to “wartarget”, everybody is open to be shot even in highsec

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The problem I had with the NPC corporation, I saw no benefit for paying a fiction tax as I am doing missions to learn to play.

This could be a benefit, except for the first 30 days in the game, they default the players to Rookie Chat, where you will get swamped in over 1000 voices asking for help. Beyond the chat being unmoderated and off topic, there seems to be little or no benefit.

Have fun!

Can’t wardec an npc faction

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That’s because they can’t deploy structures.

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that’s how wars work … IRL and in game … you see your enemy, you shoot them :wink:

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Well, if npc corps could be wardeced them that would be awesome for both sides, specially for the people in the NPC corp that could just be looking for free kills without having to anchor anything

Benefits are seen after the miner in the NPC corporation had been ganked.

It has been proven that after a miner had their mining barge or mining venture popped they decide that they really need protection.

This protection can be either via purchasing a miner permit @Aiko_Danuja or by searching for a Capsuleer Corporation!

Either way spending time inside an NPC corporation holds many benefits.

One being able to mine when ever you want and the profits are going towards your own personal income as a HighSecMiner!

/picture proof


Additional proof that being inside an NPC Corrp (aka solo Corp)

They don’t even care to come and hunt you when you refuse to renew your mining permit.(just single purchase only is required)

You can afk mine all day once you buy your permit.

////they don’t want this information to be released and thus thread might be removed for reasons other than safety concerns

There are systems in Highsec that are the safest system to mine all day uninterrupted.

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since the person you “buy” the permit from does not own the part of space, it’s not exactly protection, just “not kill me money” as they will not protect you from others doing the same, unless they pay for damages made by others.

also, how much is that “permit” and how long do you need to mine to archive ROI?

somethings like that may be economically sound if you multibox 15 mackinaws and a orca, but solo the expense is not worth it over just going somewhere else.

This is what happens when education fails the system.

You can’t teach old dogs new tricks is a prime example here!

What ever it costs we are honoured to pay the fee.

did you mean the part of understanding basic math?

since NOT mining at all will be more profitable than paying for a “permit”
unless the person issues said permit either actually does protect you and pays for losses if they don’t.

Somethings telling me you are a Safety. Sales rep :wink: