I am dealing with simple game scenario as a common hauler, where I buy stuff cheap on the market and haul it elsewhere where they buy it for a higher price. For this scenario one certainly needs the best and the most current data that can be obtained from all markets in all systems (well 99% this is highsec and lowsec).
Unfortunately, althought ESI provides info about market orders, the API method is limited to systems. There is no bulk data source for whole universe. Data has to be pulled by small portions. To achieve this I am sure there are various web sites which use automated services which constatly and intensivelly call the API and maintain the their local datasource from gathered data. I can give examples like:
Now, I am also building a website to provide global data for markets of the whole universe and want to maintain a local datasource by constant checks via ESI API. Mentioned site eve-trading.net is actually (quite visually) displaying how it is maintaining this process of gathering data from 9 regions of the universe (see Orders Update Time table). My rough estimation is that the way it is done presumes no less than 100 requests/calls to ESI per second. Which is quite intense to my standards. But it is a proof that it is allowed to run data mining on ESI, cause this site is running for some time with no issue.
So explaining this scenario I come to my logical question.
What are the limits of automated services which are constantly trying to mine data from ESI?
Can anyone provide any intel on this?
What are the possible punishments for overloading ESI API?
Do I have to register somewhere if I want to use ESI in mentioned manner of automated data mining?
Thank you in advance for any relevant advice.