What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

Not sure how long you have been playing, but I’m not so sure of that anymore.

I know you hate me but don’t worry, you won’t have to suffer me for much longer.

Au contraire, all are welcome!

But you have to understand a lot of us have been playing the game a very long time. My 1st post got my arse chewed out so bad I didn’t come back for a long time. (We have that feature now :wink: Just had to wait 10 yrs for it…) When I did come back, someone asked me “Who are you?”. So, I looked myself up and I had staggeringly high stats! Now with the confidence I actually knew what I was talking about, I haven’t shut up since! :rofl:

The game was designed as a very hard game, a niche game for hardcore players. There is no easy mode, no escaping the fact that your worst opponent will be another human. No npc has that much imagination. And as much as CCP has tried to go mainstream, it’s still a blocking point for new players who expect a safe game setting. There is just not one.

So please keep posting. You never know where the next good idea may come from. We had one snowflake come up with a good (what I thought was a good idea anyway) only to research it and CCP had already done it, then discontinued it…

Fly safe!

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I’m kind of stuck with the opposite of an AU pilot!

So I am unable to make sense in reading all of that

I miss the “Reign of the Rorqual” times before Nullsec belts were reduced as part of “scarcity”. I know it was looked at negatively during some presentations, but I don’t know why. I don’t doubt it was bad for the economy, but at the time there were always huge number of players in the game. We all know that more players equal more revenue.

Capitals were cheap and fights were BIG. There was a consistent 25-30k players showing on the login screen and so much activity going on. Wars started, wars ended, and cap brawls were common. We also had some great bomber fleets through the drifter wormholes and caught so many rorquals and capitals. Titans would also blast entire fleets on gates and the adrenaline was insane. Such a major blast!!! Now rorquals and supers are collecting dust and titans are used mostly for bridging.

I also understand it was a huge burden on the server farm and CCP’s code was struggling. But let me tell you, it was a height of my experience with this game. So much fun and plenty of people/content to go around.

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Mostly, it was about posting good ideas and not bad. But post anyway because you never know where or whom a good idea might come from.

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I still want better npc loot table information to become openly available for current and future capsuleers.

Ofcourse it takes away something others had spent time uncovering, though we have to consider that was how Eve Online was in the past but doesn’t have to be the same in the future,

The past EVE had numbers. The present EVE does not.

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This is one of the reasons why we need a loot table before even more information is lost.

Another reason is some miners are rather lazy and would like for this intel be handed to them.

You think! :rofl:

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1 billion ISK

per loot table

:wink: :face_with_monocle: :smirk:

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Well fyi getting isk out of frosty is similar to trying to get blood out of a stone

Then CCP will not give you loot tables. Simple.

:smiling_imp: :psyccp: :popcorn:

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I miss Eve being a player-driven game and the butterfly effect when it was reality.


I miss static, perma ice fields and the communities that would form around farming them.


I can remember a time long before the Triglavian invasion where ice fields were plentiful for many ice miners.

When was the last actual update with content people could do? Havoc?

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Barge balances to designs also there slot differences and traits.
Orca System Boosting.
Kiting in all aspects of it.
Tower Syhoning.
Events auto-spawning within 5 minutes for the pleasure of members.
Purchased clones for SP reset.
When NPC’s stayed away from my drones. (Now there psychopathic.)
Project Discovery that had meaning.
I miss capital production that wasn’t ridiculous.
I miss that system that connected amarr to jita.
I miss single plex per month math.
I miss having no jump fatigue.
I miss Rorquals with meaning.
I miss Carriers being worth taking out to do some ratting with.
This is just to name a few things I thought of once I asked the members for the corp they came up with a few dozen more things they miss as well. As the membership of eve there has been a lot of changes and we all agree 80% where bad but a few where good and we hope they dev teams desides to get back to work sometime soon on repairing what was lost.

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What do you mean by this?

I miss when Ninja Looting/Salvaging was a thing

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