What do you think would bring eve into a new golden age

Thanks for asking, I do indeed:

  • Longer time for CONCORD to respond with escalations happening in tankable waves, culminating with untankable wave. EWAR progressively applied.
  • Drop wardec structure restrictions. You can still go to NPC corps if you want to escape wardecs because „friendly fire“ is still a Boolean bit.
  • Allow outlaws to dock in ships in high sec again.
  • More opportunities to go suspect for baiting: scooping drones for example.

The above has the following benefits:

  • Improve local economies and reduce the trading power of Jita by making high sec hauling more dangerous. People are more likely to value buying locally than boring Jita buy and jita hauling
  • Your local space matters a lot more, and local small time industrialists no longer need to compete with „Jita plus 2M ISK per jump divided by 350,000“ and newbies will be able to find it easier to enter the market.
  • Not only will local miners be paid higher margins A due to the local market and B due to Jita hauling being dangerous, they also get to experience more social aspects which has better retention metrics (see CCP‘s Canadian The Friendship Machine slideshow and presentation)
  • Newbies have easier and affordable inroads into the piracy gameplay. Right now it is extremely unapproachable for newbies, in a discriminatory way.
  • people learn the value of each others ecosystem contribution. People that mine assume „pirates done know the value of miners“ but the jokes on them — pirates run fleets of mining alts too! In this way the miners can see the benefits of pirates helping them out by hurting the competition.

All the above is Very Fun, as well, for all involved!