What do you think would bring eve into a new golden age

But here’s the thing, EvE is a game where what anyone of us does potentially impacts what others do. That’s the whole idea behind EvE. It’s not the asteroids and the tech2 modules that keep us playing, it’s people. I don’t see this game flourish when that complex, social interaction model (from friendship to ganks) would be eroded.


He understands, he just doesn’t care. No point in trying to explain or argue because no fact or logic is going to change his mind. Just point, laugh and go “lol no”.

But, you do:

So, you don’t care what they do so long as it lines up with what you want them to do or what you think they should do.

And if they deviate from that, they are toxic horrible people because they impacted the way you play.

I don’t think logic is a skill you learned. You’re speaking from both sides of your mouth.

You will never get everyone on board with how you want them to play in a massively multiplayer online roleplay game let alone one that is an open sandbox to boot.

I think you should find another sandbox to play in cause this one is too open ended for your tastes.

Thanks for asking, I do indeed:

  • Longer time for CONCORD to respond with escalations happening in tankable waves, culminating with untankable wave. EWAR progressively applied.
  • Drop wardec structure restrictions. You can still go to NPC corps if you want to escape wardecs because „friendly fire“ is still a Boolean bit.
  • Allow outlaws to dock in ships in high sec again.
  • More opportunities to go suspect for baiting: scooping drones for example.

The above has the following benefits:

  • Improve local economies and reduce the trading power of Jita by making high sec hauling more dangerous. People are more likely to value buying locally than boring Jita buy and jita hauling
  • Your local space matters a lot more, and local small time industrialists no longer need to compete with „Jita plus 2M ISK per jump divided by 350,000“ and newbies will be able to find it easier to enter the market.
  • Not only will local miners be paid higher margins A due to the local market and B due to Jita hauling being dangerous, they also get to experience more social aspects which has better retention metrics (see CCP‘s Canadian The Friendship Machine slideshow and presentation)
  • Newbies have easier and affordable inroads into the piracy gameplay. Right now it is extremely unapproachable for newbies, in a discriminatory way.
  • people learn the value of each others ecosystem contribution. People that mine assume „pirates done know the value of miners“ but the jokes on them — pirates run fleets of mining alts too! In this way the miners can see the benefits of pirates helping them out by hurting the competition.

All the above is Very Fun, as well, for all involved!


I could ask the same of you: Why can’t I say „AFK huffing in a Wormhole shouldn’t be allowed“? Are my mere words that threatening? Shouldn’t this be decided in game, via ship to ship combat?

Why does a player driven economy that rewards engaging time played matter to me, and not you? Just because you say so?

Why are you so hysterical about me having opposing ideas that you think is about „griefing“ and „punishment“ when I said nothing of the sort? I’m calmly answering your questions at face value and you’re typing essays trying to „gotcha“ me and claim I’m emotional and portray me as something I’m not, instead of applying the golden rule. Is it because you believe any non-consensual PvP is punishment? Where is the consent button, and why is it not the „undock“ button?

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It’s because you have an opposing idea. How dare you challenge him.

This behavior is becoming more and more prevalent. When a person challenges their world view, they fall apart and go right into incoherent emotionally driven tirades.

The fact is this. He wants an EvE that benefits only him. That caters to his tastes and whims. And remove anyone that opposes it.

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You mistake not buying what you are peddling as being “defensive”.

Senpai noticed me!

Since you are evidently burning to know about my personal activities…I’m playing it right now… Happy?

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Actually no. All of EVE is PvP space.

According to the New Halaima Code of Conduct, written by the Supreme Protectoress of Halaima

No AFK mining allowed. All miners are expected to remain at their keyboards at all times, and are required to prove their presence by responding in local when requested by the Supreme Protectoress or one of her Agents. Miners also remain in their assigned home system and require a travel visa when visiting other systems”


Sigh Well, I’ll just let you deeply unhappy and insecure people get on with it.

I’m not sure where all this hostility is coming from, given that this is only a game, but the internet is the internet. It just is not possible to have an intelligent discussion on the internet about anything.

Maybe you aren’t intelligent?


You know that „people who enjoy spaceship explosions“ are people too, and every once in a while someone like you comes in a high horse proclaiming not to be toxic and then calls such folks IRL names or having IRL negative personality problems. Not a good look.

I agree. You said „dance monkey“ when you asked me if I had any ideas. I humored you and danced. I gave you a sincere intellectual answer. You’ve ignored it and quit the forums in a huff. No discussion reciprocated, I guess.

Do you find that happening to you a lot, then?
How very strange. How could that be? A mystery, to be sure.


There’s no point in having a discussion with a narcissist. They feed off of you giving them attention and they’re not interested in your opinion, or anyone else’s not even the Dev’s. Like I said, just go “lol no” and leave it at that.

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Projection much?

We aren’t the ones crying on the forums.

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erm. you played Neocron? Holy shite… me too. Best pvp ever made.

The question is , who’s alt is he? I have a few hunches.

My guess is it’s: he-who-must-not-be-named-or-else-he’ll-flag-your-post-in-order-to-censor-you-and-your-ideas-because-he’s-insecure-and-incapable-of-logical-discussions-and-melts-down-when-others-have-ideas-or-thoughts-he-doesn’t-find-acceptable.


If u allow others to control u even just as small a thing as response it will be difficult - no response and block is a response - that is all.

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After doing allot of research on the game state and history - it appears manufacturing were made more expensive - while income was decreased - even a long term player that was rewarded in skills to obtain isk now finds it harder than before. I believe this needs to be reversed - how much isk we hoard has got nothing to do with the game owner which is not who I thought it was according to wikipedia.

Right now many are returning to eve only to find many items price inflated - skills changed so retraining on a few things or training to do other things. IOW the fun part has been sucked out of the game of making easy isk just so you can go loose a ship in pvp. Without the fun this is a job not a game.

Wars are frankly much less than before and in many ways the game has lost its balance between the peace loves (costructors) and the war mongers (pvp’ers)

Sure there are a few killmails that are isk heavy - most however are low end fittings and honestly cheaper ships.

As seen others mention the players are the content - seems this has been forgotten - we make eve - not the publisher. If things are to return to the golden age micro transaction pay to win needs to stop - focus needs to move back to the players and not the game.

Eve is unique - anyone that does not get this - has no idea what to do with that which they simply do not understand. Some will disagree with my comments and thats ok. But really some ships are so overpriced for example JF

move to null they say - yeah and how do I get my stuff there if I cannot afford the JF or to lose the JF.
The contradictions in words and actions with execution from the publisher are frankly mind boggling.

Do we want a golden age again - I want my friends to return and stay - but with how things are at the moment with the constant need to grind to achieve items are ludicrous as time are one asset we have less off as we mature (well most of us)

the scope has been forgotten and are controlled by those who simply never really played eve from start to somewhat successfull in whatever way they choose.

Only adding that currently most of those I run into are really intelligent at the moment.
If you want to expand subscriptions make it easier not harder - seems this are not quite understood at the moment - so simple - yet overlooked. Maybe things are over thought at the moment.

The Prophet finds your spelling infantile.

Thus you are an infant.

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