What do you think would bring eve into a new golden age

Placing Regional Prices in effect on Omega Subscription, that would definitely skyrocket the player base, bringing new players and fresh meat to the game.

Debatable… more like on life support paid by Pearl Abyss.

Why would I want to log in to a massively multiplayer online game to do all that ? A good deal of the PvE people keep wanting is essentially single player game stuff. Indeed, I already see PvE-ers complaining when PvP-ers ‘interrupt’ what is basically regarded by them as a single player game experience. I’m at a loss to understand why anyone logs into a multiplayer game for a single player game experience. I’d like to see CCP reverse this trend and focus more on a multiplayer game actually being multiplayer.

I believe the reason is that they’re “entitled to,” and you need to “stop telling” them “how to play this sandbox game, griefer scumbag.” At least that’s what I’ve always been told.

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The question is though, are you a griefer scumbag?

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EVE may never see a brighter future, but that’s not because a revival or improvement is impossible. It’s simply due to the fact that CCP has now spent decades soaking up buckets of cash from their player-base, and they’ve become too lazy and complacent to undertake the work needed.

In the first few years of EVE, CCP worked very hard to establish their game and make it a success. However since around 2010 they’ve mostly just sat back and enjoyed the ride, hauling in the cash from an easily-led playerbase and blowing it on Hilmar’s whims.

Any PvP MMO company that’s on it’s 10th or so go-round with the “new player experience” and still has zero player-player interaction in the first 4 hours is just spinning it’s wheels with no direction at all. The EVE NPE should be telling newbies they’re gearing up for a mission with other players within the first hour. And if they haven’t completed a player-player interaction by the end of the 2nd or 3rd hour, that’s a fail.

Hell, CCP can’t even advertise or sell their game properly. Look at the EVE pages from Steam and Epic (click on the colored E V E box to see the store page, not the “Install Game” button):


What’s right there front and center? Pictures, videos, reviews! “What is EVE online” and “About this game” blurbs. The ability to buy a starter pack right there while you’re downloading the game.

Now go to CCP’s webpage - what have you got? Massive wastes of space. Tiny text, confusing layout, no videos. Boring descriptions with large, bold statistics in place of videos. No clue where to buy things or watch videos, you have to click around multiple pages just to find anything interesting to see.

EVE is held back primarily by the fact that CCP got comfortable over a decade ago, and the money keeps rolling in no matter how second-rate a job they do.

If players want to see CCP scrambling hard to earn their dollars again… just stop sending them cash. They’ll wake up once the bottom line drops hard enough.


Kezrau, stop whining.


Nope. Toxic people are people who insult others, call them names, and even use profanity in an attempt to provoke one of those endlessly circular internet arguments.

Well, no. I’m not a toxic player. I’m not a griefer. I have never used profanity on this forum. I don’t care how others play–as long as they don’t bother me, I don’t care what they do. I think Eve has room for many, many, many playstyles. New Eden is a big place. If you think my saying “I think Eve has room for many, many, many playstyles” is being toxic, all I can do is scratch my head.

I’m not sure why you are being so defensive. I’m no threat to you. We have never met in-game and never will. You and certain others post so much here that I have to wonder if you ever actually play the game.

Demanding? No. The title of the thread is “What do you think would bring Eve into a new golden age.” I am merely offering suggestions, as all of us have the right to do.

I would never ask for a change to suit me “personally.” That would make no sense. I think any changes I propose would be welcomed by a large number of players, based on what I read on this forum. Others who have the same complaints about the game that I do always get shouted down, but we are still here. You seem to be very hostile toward the very idea of change, but player numbers are not what they were years ago, and without some changes, the only way is down.

Maybe a new golden age is not possible, but some new ideas are needed. Core concepts should remain, but there should be some tweaking. Stagnation is not a good way to secure a healthy future. But here I go, trying to be reasonable. Oh well. I’ll get back to playing. Flame me if you like.

Does EVE have room for a play style that consists of attacking other players without their consent, and taking the items that drop for personal gain?


I do too, noting that „many“ and „many many“ and „many many many“ is not „all playstyles“.

Peacefully huffing gas AFK in a Wormhole is a playstyle. It shouldn’t have room in EvE. We should welcome players who choose a playstyle that punishes that playstyle. Huffers who are attentive and engaging in the game counter that playstyle and reap rewards.

Neither should the playstyle of mining peacefully AFK in Lowsec have room. Like before, we should celebrate players who choose a playstyle that punishes that one. The miners in Lowsec who do engage and pay attention reap rewards by countering that play style in turn.

So, why should High sec be any different? Neither should mining peacefully AFK in Highsec be a playstyle that has room. Like before, we should celebrate players who choose a playstyle that punishes that one. The miners in High sec who do engage and pay attention reap rewards by countering that play style in turn.

Uh, did you just never play MMOs before Eve? Most every MMO was like UO and EvE and in this cultural thread of sandbox „use your wits and scant game mechanics“ to survive. It wasn’t until WoW and WoW clones came out that this idea of „fun theme park safe space“ came out and was contemporaneously ridiculed by the existing MMO communities.

Yes WoW by numbers was more popular but by strength of its gaming culture and longevity of ideas it’s not comparable to the EvE/UO/Albion etc. Eve might „be dying“ for 20 years at this point but it isn’t dying like WoW is dying (go to old zones and see how many people hang out there, empty and devoid of players).

You don’t hate griefers, you just hate the long-lived MMO culture.


Quite honestly, despite the criticisms of CCP, to bring about a new golden age all CCP need to do is more of what they’ve been doing the last year.

The launch of the new faction warfare system can be seen as a success. A 50% bump (from damned low) in PCU is great. The problem is that it’s taken a year to get to this point, the momentum is running out, and the glacial pace of this storyline is just not exciting anyone.

With a properly resourced development team allowing for new systems, refreshes of existing old content, and maintaining things like events, balance passes and so on to be continued at regular quarterly intervals, Eve would be confidently striding along and gather back in many old players as well as attracting new ones.

However it’s current shuffling state of having a few hugely talented people working against organisational apathy just leads to this constant slow-churn effect. While I’m sure it’s been min/maxed as being profitable, it’s not sustainable in the long term. Having some balls with the recruitment budget would take CCP a long old way towards those golden uplands.

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Don’t lie, don’t try to twist words. It’s insulting and we see right through it.

By your own definition, you’re toxic because you don’t care what other people do.

Here’s the heart of it.

You’re one of those toxic people who “embrace all things - except those that you don’t.” And those that you don’t, you label as toxic, vitriolic and throw all sorts of nasty terms at.


One of the most intelligent 13 year old axe wielding homicidal axe wielding maniacs in prison with no chance of parole that I have ever known.

I began playing Asheron’s Call in late 1999 or early 2000.

Perhaps I have not been clear enough, or maybe English is not your first language. “I don’t care what others do” means that how you play doesn’t bother me, as long as it does not directly impact the way I play. New Eden is a very big place, so I firmly believe that there is room for players who want pvp combat AND those who want to mine peacefully, even afk, if they want to.

Why not? Just because you say so? Why so much hysteria about “punishing” players who have a different vision of Eve than you do? All subscription dollars look the same. The griefer and the AFK types who just want to sit in one system and mine. It would make good business sense for the game to adapt to the changing player base. It is no longer 2005-2006.

What do you fear?

I don’t think the game should make it possible for players to mine afk in null or losec. But in 0.9 or 1.0 space? Why not? There is no gameplay reason why this should not be allowed. This is a GAME, not real life. There are no RL lessons to be learned by playing Eve Online. It is entertainment, nothing more.

Do YOU have any ideas on how to increase player numbers and create “a new golden age”? Do you have any ideas on how to preserve player numbers where they are now?