What do you think would bring eve into a new golden age

Here’s one for all those whiners who say nothing happens in Eve and who rattle on about some glorious past. The biggest ever battle in highsec…yesterday in Finanar. Destruction of one of the few remaining Sotiyos left in highsec ( which killboard still has not been updated with ). Over 1000 people took part…glorious fun…



War is good for business
-Ferengi rule of acquisition #34


Can someone explain what happened there? Looks like such events are way too little broadcasted to the public…

You can watch it on Twitch. Although the name says Blackflag vs Parabellum, a large portion of the pilots were actually from Absolute Order via Wrecking Machine. The commentator gets one or two things wrong, but overall its a good representation. It’s a massive battle at several points…


Add some sort of border friction mechanic that involves the TCU that makes it less than desirable to have long term neighbors that you don’t shoot at. And to prevent the inevitable steamroll from the big boys, increase the maintenance costs for thing exponentially past a certain number of systems owned. The specifics obviously would need to be ironed out but that would certainly put a strain on the null blocks

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CCP used to be ambitious. Working on things like WiS, Dust, third person combat exploration, etc. Integrating them all together. Then Hilmar had a mid-life crisis during the summer of rage.

Now, the game is limited in scope with zero room for growth. More people tend to get behind a game if they think its going places. EVE isn’t.


Personally I have not liked the trend to more and more PVE as I think PvP is the real core of Eve. But I guess CCP have to bring people in, and if there’s not enough PvP to involve everyone then more PvE is inevitable. Hopefully the fact that we can have one of the biggest ever PvP battles in highsec ( as mentioned above ) will show CCP that the demand for PvP is still very much there…and they should stop nerfing it and let the players take back control of this supposed ‘sandbox’.

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PVE player here

add more stuff to do in highsec, make epic arcs doable in co op with a friend? and add more sort of challenges when it comes to highsec pve activities for friends to do, remove highsec ganking

What more stuff do you need?

You have

  • epic arcs
  • missions
  • anos
  • escalations
  • abyssals
  • trig hunting
  • hacking
  • mining
  • industry
  • PI

There is more to do in highsec than in most other areas of the game…



epic arcs - done (cant be done together as a co op only fleet and trying to navigate is a nightmare for new players)
missions - burn you out after months
anos - no idea what that is (tried googling)
escalations - decent money low sec and im talking about highsec
trig hunting (null sec -0.0 - -1.0)
hacking (not worth it in highsec)
mining (burns you out after months in highsec)
industry same ^

i never asked you if there was more or less to do than in other areas, theres enough in space for everyone to get more stuff to do, but for new players who tend to only play as a two it can get tough fast, what will you say next? find another game?

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Sorry you are wrong about most of the stuff. You have Anos and Escalations also in Highsec and you have Minor Triglavian Victory Systems where you can hunt trigs in Highsec as well. Also you can do all of that content in fleet and navigation as a fleet is a thing you simply have to learn. If missions burn you out after months, don’t run them for months, do other stuff in between. And that mining, hacking, PI and industry offer less rewards in highsec is simpy logical, you have almost no risk there and a thousand others do it, so why should it be rewarded higher?

All the stuff I mentioned can be done in HighSec, if you don’t like some of it, don’t do it. Why should I tell you to find another game? I just say that you can do almost anything in High that you can do elsewhere, its full of opportunities to do stuff. Just do it. You only need to leave HighSec if you want better rewards, because… well… balance?


because not everyone is a 24/7 pvp player, i asked you already what anos was? because we play as a co op and don’t want the nightmare of joining corporations with dictators, we want to enjoy eve.

Anos are Cosmic Anomalies. The green warpable signatures in the Probe Launcher window. There are like Level 1-4 in HighSec I think and some of them can escalate randomly to a more challanging but a lot more rewarding Escalation. That one is randomly placed, can be in HighSec or Lowsec (depending on where you are) and you have 24h to finish it.

Also at which point I mentioned anything about PvP? And who told you that all Corps are run by dictators? There are plenty out there that are helpful and enjoyable, teaching new players a LOT of things that makes EVE so much easier and enjoyable. If you chose not to join a corp or create your own corp and band together with other players, you are basically missing the best 90% of that game. But you can of course do whatever you want.

‘‘While I agree with you that the overwhelming majority of all PvE content is cheap cannonfodder that gets pretty boring quickly (you basically smell that its mechanics are decades old), it would require years of dev-work to really update it to a modern, thrilling, enjoyable content.’’ - literally you 13 days ago

stop jumping on everyones posts trolling them.


Exactly that is why I have listed you a lot of options to bring variety into your daily gameplay, because I KNOW it can be pretty boring to run missions all day long. And I am sure there is lots of stuff for you to explore, even under the (self imposed) condition that you don’t want to leave HighSec (for whatever reason).

So…more rides in the themepark, then? Seems like you are likely to get that…

Lets see if I can help the game.

  1. The game is not worth $20.00 per month. We are in a world wide recession if not depression and food, clothing, shelter, mobility and safety come before entertainment. The prices of all these have gone up so entertainment is sacrificed. The game now is maybe worth $7.50 a month, this might get people who are depressed with the real world to want to escape into EVE if things change. Things will not change so EVE is on its last legs.
    2.CCP for years has squandered the profits from this game on the next new thing and now had to sell off the game to PA which no gamer likes nor respects. CCP failed to balance the ships, for example the mass effect of ships and the associated damage a smaller ship would receive if it rammed a larger ship like a freighter which is a capital ship. They failed to realize that a small gun, no matter what should not be able to penetrate the massive shields of a capital ship. This one upgrade would have made high sec ganking very expensive and resulted in fewer lost ships if and only if CCP had done it research on the masses of its own ships and designs. They did not, the cash cow was just giving them to much money to worry about advancing the mechanics of the game.
  2. The armaments of ships as you go up the ladder of the ship tree should have had the capacity for light, medium and large guns and fitting depending on the size of the ship involved. They were milking the cash cow and ran to do other things and just IMO put out freeze dried ■■■■ sickles for the fools footing the bill. Basically CCP neglected the game and now we are where we are today. The cow is almost dry because the water and fodder now cost to much and this game is just a haven for the META guys that have turned it into a malignant tumor that is and will kill EVE.
  3. People now read and study about the products the purchase and what they are getting from this game is that it is a grinder of META GODs where they the new guy will be hunted, ganked and possibly forced into paying extortion, or joining the rocket man high sec alliance that is controlled by the META boys.
  4. CCP gutted its talent, neglected the games development and allowed a malignant tumor to grow and take over the game and the new informed player sees this and refuses to be part of this dying beast of a game.
  5. Other Gaming Platforms are monitoring this game and its downward spiral into the trash bin of history and are and have taken steps to see to it that the malignant tumors that present themselves in their platforms meant for entertainment and PROFIT are quickly and effectively removed. All in all this game is over, a dead corpse with its last parasitic hosts unable to leave. You fools had to piss on the front door of the game and when we pleaded with you not to you just said let it burn. The wise players have jumped ship and this ship with all its pixel dust is now yours. Way to go and win the game with knowing the META.
  6. Olmeca Gold and FireStormCarnage tried to tell you but your hubris was just to great to pay attention. The game is not worth the time, money nor frustration to deal with those hell bent of the games destruction and the companies foolish management whom did nothing to fix this but just neglected to real issues that if addressed would have brought this game into a new error of fun and profit. CCP, quit going to the Icelandic Government for money, They manage their business just fine and do not piss its future away on cancers…
  7. We talked to you, we pleaded with you, we even tried to reason with you and yet you just set your parasitic path even harder. The other platforms are watching those of you whom did this terrible thing and you will not be allowed to do it to their platforms nor their customer base, so here you are, have fun.

It’s free to play.

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Now that’s a good gank whine. Well done!

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Well thank you, I look forward to seeing you in another gaming platform soon

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