What do you think would bring eve into a new golden age

Why would you care ? It seems you haven’t played for over 6 years.

The dude who talked about destroying highsec pvp by calling us griefers and then rolled out war hqs in eve vegas 2017… start by firing him and removing any other cancer he started. Burger iirc.

Beyond garbage idea @Destiny Corrupted. Glad you have no power to effect change - you would do terrible damage to the game.

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My friend plays FIFA and he said he would watch EVE if it had a FIFA tie in.

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My friend plays [cat ears simulator] and he said he would watch eve if it had a [cat ears simulator] tie in.

It does.

I’m the high high cat up in this clowder.

What do you think would bring eve into a new golden age if we could all wear yellow for a whole day!

Also how about IF we could have some more colors added to the current womans space suit please?

Lower sub cost back $14.99.

and of course golden beebees

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DOUBLE the number of both Low and Null security systems using existing hardware.

Lower the cost to $14.99

Make Sovereignty in a system Automatically Fade over time with lack of activity until it is lost, at which point it requires a huge effort and cost to reinstate for the previous owner.

Create an extremely long range jump ability (30+ Light Years) with a custom ship having a limited cargo size (< 30k) to support minimal logistics and supply for individuals.

Remove “Local” chat for all Null space, or require the use of a special limited time probe to facilitate it.

100+ more ideas where that came from.

Seeing as how you don’t frequent Low Sec, you wouldn’t be playing the game.

Lowsec is a noob tutorial zone.

There’s no CONCORD to protect people.

Why would I shoot defenseless ships?


You are extremely unaware of things going on around you.

How did I miss this absolute gem of an idea until now?!

There must be football scarves and space-Vuvuzelas as cosmetic items as well! CCP loves scarves and tie-ins, so should go smashingly!

Stop developing the game from the point of view of someone who has never played it or even used a PC before and start developing it from the point of view of someone who plays it regularly. And get rid of all the bad faith in your face pay to progress crap


So don’t try to bring in new players, but just cater solely to current ones?

That’s not exactly sustainable…

Have two teams with one focusing on generating new players and the other on retention of existing players.

Seem like a no-brainer to me.

–Brainful Gadget

Eve reminds me of Bud Light… lets forget about the current player base and show disdain for them instead. #howtofail101

  1. Motmot candy bars
  2. Feedo fruit gums

The old UI

I leave for 2 minutes and things go crazy

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you fore told the future

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