What do you want to see the T2 Trig Battleship as?

As many have seen we’ve had another three T2 ships added to the Trig shipline.

We had the T2 logi Cruiser released early on, and not long ago the Assault Frigate, Command Destroyer and Heavy Assault Cruiser. Most already expect the T2 Command Ship from the existing T1 Battlecruiser, no brainer there, but the Leshak Battleship will be interesting.

First the Black-OPs version should be no issue, as these tend to be the T1 version with Cryos and Cloak bonuses, most of the ship stats are very close to the T1.

But the Marauder will be interesting, as most reduce the T1’s versions weapon mount capacity by 1/2, but allow for huge bonuses to those 4 weapons, how and one disintegrator be reduced any lower in number?
Only way i can see it working would be to remove the default 100% bonus to Weapon damage, while maintaining the standard role bonuses of the Marauders and the Trig faction ship role bonuses.

But this then leads onto what should be the Marauders bonuses (per skill level): and for that matter the Precursor Battleship bonuses (per skill level): bonuses be?

The Paladin has;
Amarr Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to ship capacitor capacity
7.5% bonus to Large Energy Turret optimal range
Marauders bonuses (per skill level):
7.5% bonus to Armor Repairer amount
5% bonus to Large Energy Turret damage

The Golem has;
Caldari Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to Cruise Missile and Torpedo max velocity
5% bonus to Cruise Missile and Torpedo explosion velocity
Marauders bonuses (per skill level):
7.5% bonus to Shield Booster amount
10% bonus to Target Painter effectiveness

The Kronos has;
Gallente Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret damage
10% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret falloff
Marauders bonuses (per skill level):
7.5% bonus to Armor Repairer amount
7.5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret tracking speed

The Vargur has;
Minmatar Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret rate of fire
10% bonus to Large Projectile Turret falloff
Marauders bonuses (per skill level):
7.5% bonus to Shield Booster amount
7.5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret tracking speed

Personally would love to see an optimal range bonus add to the default rate of fire and damage bonuses, but the fourth one not sure on, maybe tracking bonus, or something like the HAC bonus to Disintegrator maximum damage multiplier bonus, there are a few options.

Anyhow interested in what others would look forward in seeing CCP release as the T2 Trig Battleship.

I don’t want to see it, the game has other priorities that need addressing


Well CCP appears to already working on Trig Capital ships, so the T2 battleship/s should be coming soon.

Better to provide some thoughts on what we think then just putting our heads in the sand and thinking its not going to happen.

History has shown that such an exercise is purely academic since I have trouble recalling a single instance where CCP took such unsolicited info off the forums and included it in a new ship design.

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I assume that Marauder skill on trig Marauder will provide faster damage ramp-up speed… to go along with new trig implant set for an ultimate structure basher.

It won’t be a marauder it’ll be a black ops. This way CCP can nerf it’s HP and damage a bit say by removing either the rof bonus or damage bonus and still keep it as an ‘‘awsome potential dps after ramp up’’ black ops with spidertank potential.

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I dont know the Leshak already has ROF bonus.

Precursor Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to Supratidal Entropic Disintegrator damage
5% bonus to Supratidal Entropic Disintegrator rate of fire

I hope CCP does the RIGs before Implants.

Optimal range is what the Leshak is missing and that appears to be a requirement of Marauder, all the other four have a bonus to weapon range in one way or other.

Considering how many people bitch, moan, and complain about how Trig ships are only good for structure bashing, if they made a Marauder it would only be used for that as well. Being able to Siege right next to the Citadel and start pumping out 10k % DPS would just make owners cry and attackers happy they don’t need to use Dreads anymore.

Especially since they just shifted Cynos over to Recons and BlOps, I hope they hurry up and make those next. Tiamat was such a waste of a ship. I’d love to have a standard issue cloaky Vedmak or Leshak.

Oh, and BlOps should get the CovOps cloak too. Bombers and BlOps used to be the only non-Cov in the Cov family, and they caved on Bombers years ago. It’s time they let the BlOps sit at the CovOp table too. =)

The Leshak EHP isn’t the best, even other battleships have higher Armour HP, not to forget there’s Battlecruisers with more Shield HP.

The Trig ships have always relied on its fit, a bad fit will cost you more than a bad fit on another ship.

As a Black-OP ship it DPS build up is an issue, and yes you’re correct in a spider fleet it could work well, if the fleet works very well together.

I think loosing the Damage bonus could make more sense, with similar bonuses to the Redeemer;
Amarr Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
10% reduction in Large Energy Turret activation cost
5% bonus to Large Energy Turret rate of fire
Black Ops bonuses (per skill level):
7.5% bonus to Large Energy Turret tracking speed
125% bonus to ship max velocity when using Cloaking Devices

Though Sin went another way, and due to Trig have good drone capacity damage bonuses to turret and drones could be an option also, but not too sure the Leshak needs anything like the Inertia bonus;
Gallente Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret damage
10% bonus to Drone hitpoints and damage
Black Ops bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to ship inertia modifier
125% bonus to ship max velocity when using Cloaking Devices

Though the Panther with damage and ROF bonuses would play nicely in a Leshaks benefit;
Minmatar Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret rate of fire
5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret damage
Black Ops bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to ship max velocity
125% bonus to ship max velocity when using Cloaking Devices

The Widow bonus to range on a Leshak i don’t personally see as a benefit, on a cloaky Battleship, the ROF sure, that’s a good bonus for DPS amping, but ECM would be interesting fit, or some other damping bonus?;
Caldari Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to Rapid Heavy Missile, Cruise Missile and Torpedo Launcher rate of fire
10% bonus to Cruise Missile and Torpedo max velocity
Black Ops bonuses (per skill level):
30% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength
125% bonus to ship max velocity when using Cloaking Devices

Its an interesting though, a truly designed Spider Fleet Black-OPs ship. Id say it could the terror back into this type of ship appearing on the field.

Have no issue with BlackOPs not able to use CovertOP cloak, with lvl4+ those BlackOP ships move fast when cloaked. Only issue with Black-OP ships is once they’ve been target locked you loose your bonus of cloaked speed. So not hit and run tactics.

As for Leshak only being a structure basher, i can say i see it (personally done up to 18k hits on structure), but i see a Marauder as a possible lvl5 missioner, as i have a Leshak that can handle lvl4 mission solo with only the odd mission she has a little trouble. Those that say shes only good a bashing should rethink how they’ve been using the Leshak on missions.

Have used an Tiamat? Love to try it one day, but asking prices are too rich for my blood. But as the Trig are the new blood faction I’m sure we’ll see Recon and CovertOP ships one day, but don’t think they’ll be much different from the special edition versions.

Have to say the Trig has added some good and interesting gameplay changes from what we’ve had for years.

I’d rather see current ■■■■ balanced and functioning before new ■■■■ (that will have to be balanced) gets added to the game.

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Yeah, it’s completely off topic. It’s just irritating that Black Ops are the only Covert ship that cannot use a Covert cloak. They may be faster while cloaked, but you have to land on grid first and then start slowboating around. And it really is slowboating, since you may be a little faster than normal, but you can’t use a Prop mod to actually get around at a decent rate of speed. So it’s like slowboat+.

It seems most threads that talk about uses for Trig ships turn into discussions about structure bashing. So you are in a vocal minority for saying you use it for anything else. =) Not that they can’t be used for other stuff like missions. But the most noise comes from people using them against structures. Being able to spool all the way up, and leave it running, until the Citadel dies.

I still think they’d be better off as Covert craft rather than Marauders. It goes with the current theme of making Covert ships more useful in game, b/c of the Cyno changes.

RoF bonus is not the same as Ramp-up bonus. While faster rate of fire does contribute to higher (base)dps and boosts ramp up speed, it also makes you consume more ammo.

Pure ramp-up bonus should affect only dps increase per cycle.

Bastion module exclusive to marauders provides optimal (and huge tanking) bonuses. The downside is that it disables ability to spidertank.

So for Marauder skill trigs can get ramp-up and local tank.

Oh good lord no triglavian marauder!

If CCP really must add a t2 leshak then a black ops leshak where you have to carefully consider if you put 2x remote reps, neuts or smartbombs on to your 4 high slots.

Can we give heavy missiles application back first please? I think someone got confused there in 2012 and none of those arguments have any merit or are soo outdated that we still won’t see Drakes running amok in New Eden even if I want them to.

The very balanced drekavac is much (too strong) better than the Drake or any arty cane anyways.

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except that 10k dps would be useless due to the dps caps on a station.

I don’t want to see it.

I don’t think that Triglavian Marauder would be a bad idea. It could keep the same Precursor Battleship bonuses as Leshak, while Marauders skill would give bonuses to Armour Repair Amount and either tracking or optimal range. Of course, it shouldn’t have the fixed 100% damage bonus seen on other Marauders, that could have been replaced with a reduction in damage ramp-up time between 25 and 50%.

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I want to see a blops that instead of using covert cynos, can warp cloaked.

The ikitursa first had bonuses to neut, remote rep, and smartbomb PG requirements, 10% reduction per level. This was changed out in the end. Perhaps they may consider bonuses to neuts or smartbombs with decent bonuses for the main turret.

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