What is next for EveOnline

But I already have plenty of that.

Why do you think I cover every surface of my home with full-body mirrors?

whats gonna happen next is: Some CSM dude is gonna lose his 100bil officer fit thunderchild to a polarized claw, then ceptors are gonna lose 50% of their max speed. Someone at ccp headquarters will get drunk and reduce orca drone bandwidth by 50%, and all ships will get +600% signature radius

That sounds like something that I would write…

Are you my alt?

im not saying you should donate some to me
but i have 300 million and plenty of will to play
telling you that just because i see rich players like you not enjoying the game
its your prerogative
but players like me with a little money can buy cruisers , battleships , a lot of pew and have the time of their lives

so i sugest if you going to quit , or if not , donate some money to a happy pvp guy
not just you but any sad player tired of the game that have a lot of isk



Or do what I am considering and sell anything for making ISK and use your wallet to buy PVP ships and go out with a blast, when your down to zero quit, or drop 5b to an alt (just in case you change your mind) and blow the other 115b

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120B is worth about $750.

Just saying. :wink:

There is no roadmap.
There is no grand vision for the future of the game.
There is only a hard push for microtransactions and minor database numbers tweaks
(previously known as “expansions”).



CCP is doing a RL insurance fraud. aka… eve is dead. ez.

I have it one very good authority that part of what you said indeed the case. Need a new battleship? Buy a replacement with your credit card.


What is next for Eve Online ?

0.99$ Ore packs is next .

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Active Mining.

hahahahahahahaha got you there!


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