What is the asset value percentage split between your ship hanger and item hanger?

A curiosity question: What is the asset value percentage split between your ship hanger and item hanger? The poll will not show who voted what and it doesn’t have to be exact, just what your best estimation is. Thanks. :grinning:

  • 0% ship / 100% items
  • 10% ship / 90% items
  • 20% ship / 80% items
  • 30% ship / 70% items
  • 40% ship / 60% items
  • 50% ship / 50% items
  • 60% ship / 40% items
  • 70% ship / 30% items
  • 80% ship / 20% items
  • 90% ship / 10% items
  • 100% ship / 0% items

0 voters

A few months ago I probably would have been weighted more toward ships. But I started running reactions… and that means I often have a lot of expensive moon goo in hangar.

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