What Is The First Corporation In Eve Online Called?

I believe @Paulus_Plain the answer is Colossus Technologies (http://eve-history.net/wiki/index.php/Colossus_Technologies).

I do find it utterly bizarre that in a forum space, where inevitably some people will want to ask questions, some commentators can be obtuse to the extent that they’d rather write reams of text critiquing people’s search techniques rather than just trying to be helpful and answer the question. Ho hum!

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the question has been answered in a way which is appropriate to the effort of the OP. that a whiteknight gets triggered and turns it into an argument, because his ego can’t take it, is bad … but that’s how they are. if he can’t accept it, then he can’t. vOv

let this thread die, or not. OP has proven where he stands anyway. vOv


I was actually curious as to the questions answer. Upon seeing the 1st response,I admit I misread the response as “i’m a bitchy about replying”. Sorry about that. Six a.m. waiting for coffee to brew. How ever I did take a second look and corrected myself. With that said,I kept reading and saw the link highlighted it and moved on. I read it after I finished reading this thread.

I am inquisitive by nature,thus my post. Your reference analogy concerning the dispensing of fish vs teaching one to fish,peaked my attention. I only know of one place in history that phrase derives from. Without delving into the philosophy of religion,I cant help but to think your usage of the phrase is misplaced in relation to its origins. It seems you decided to be the self appointed arbiter of fish dispensing. No offense intended,but is that really your position or have I misread your intentions?

I fully understand self reliance. I fully understand the Darwin survival concept. I fully understand dependency and its effects. Aren’t we all in this modern day completely dependent on what today’s world presents us for what is required to survive? Electricity is a big one. I don’t have a windmill,water wheel,or other such generating device. Do you? Transportation,I don’t have an oil rig or a refinery. Do you? I think you see where I am going with that. No disrespect intended,but you are 100% dependent on other’s work and achievements to survive. The benefit of today’s information access is that we can learn and decide on our level on dependency.

Back to the OP question. If this question was so beneath your station, I am curious as to why you bothered to respond. The choice was there to not respond. Were you compelled? If so by what?
I would ofc Google these questions but for some reason Google isn’t so compliant when it comes to individual subjectivity. Sure I can find opinions everywhere. However,they aren’t your opinions.

I only ask this because everywhere,I frequent these forums,I see your responses. To be honest many of them do not offer much in the way of real information to the inquisitive nature of people. Instead I see post after post of what I perceive as “your” opinion touted as “The” opinion that prevails as the true reality. Am I off base on this? If so you have my apology for being assumptive.

I don’t feel you have ill intent,though you do come off as rather abrasive to the random reader. You could have omitted this what looks like an after thought. “then he doesn’t deserve an answer in the first place.” Unless you are the true arbiter of fish,of which I have reservations of doubt. Surely any person with a shred of logic would concur.

Dependency or independence is not solely attributed to availability. Its part of an individuals nature and their up bringing. Sometimes helping a person is truly help someone. Even if the help requested may be deemed as insignificant to the person being ask of. Now for example if the OP ask the question (Why is the element Gold,as a residual,found in a nuclear reactor after its gone through a meltdown,when we are all taught it only forms at the end stage of a sun’s life?). Would that be a worthy question? How many fish would that be worth? To a Physicist that may or may not be a fish worthy question,or it could provoke a new level of understanding.

We can agree on your last quoted sentence above. Yes it is “worry some” that in today’s world many,many people place a value judgment on such mundane questions,rather than offer their knowledge to provide others a better understanding of the world we live in. So when you commented for the OP to find the answer themselves,was that you being greedy with your fishes or was that you being complacent? When my son ask “why is the sky blue” I didn’t tell him to Google it. I gave him the best explanation I could and then offered him a way to find information if he so chose to investigate further. You did offer the info but your approach needs a bit of refinement.

No ill intent here from the curious,only bad grammar and sentence structure.

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While you numbskulls are going back and forth about feeding fish to Google, there have been at least three different “answers” posted in response to the OP’s question. And none of them are likely right.

Here’s an idea, though. IF you want to know something as fine tuned as the OP’s question, why not address it to CCP, as they are the only ones with the verifiable data itself? Even better, then we’d have an easily available true answer for The Google God to assimilate unto itself.

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Convinced this guy is either a high hippie, or dumb troll

Can’t I be a troll hippie?

Do hold my own weight though as I meant every word I wrote.

It is all about holding the same standard on the internet, just as you would in real life.

If a person comes up to you and ask for directions to a well known place, just a few streets away, you would never tell him to “google if”.
So why would you do it on the internet?

Just because you are physically distant from the other person on the internet, does he not deserve the same respectful answer you would give in real life, or is it that you to think, that the physical distance makes it alright to lower your moral standard and attitude towards other people?

I don’t.

If I can see they have a working computer device such as a cellphone with GPS and/or internet (just as we can see with OP), my first question would be “have you tried using google maps?”

Because the information that will give you will be 100% more precise than anything I can pull from memory and unlike myself is at your disposal every second of the day.

Where i live, there are small maps of at least a dozen surrounding blocks, spread across the city, within less than five minutes of each other. when someone asks me for a direction within a certain range, then i tell them to look at the maps. that’s what they’re there for.

the city gave us maps, paid with our money. when people aren’t capable of recognizing them and looking at them, despite them being there exactly for the reason so people can help themselves, then i refuse to help them.

if they said they can’t read the map, then i’d help them. for some people they’re too confusing. those who don’t say that can go read them themselves. it’s quite amazing how many people then go read the map instead of insisting on someone helping them. it’s as if people had at least a tiny speck of pride left in them.