😜🚴‍♂️What should I do next with these models?


Anyone who is really good at painting? How should I make these models as detailed as the ones in game. I want to make some suggestions on the old ships’ design, If there are rewards for doing that?

These ships I made are:
Heron, Navy Hookbill, Merlin & Condor.


That appears to be Blender 3D?

My Blender days ended long ago with 2.79b after that the foundation took the software down the dark path. The Blender Foundation tried to hard just to clone other commercial software instead of remaining true to the original. They even dropped the built in game engine.

My advice is to look up some tutorials about UV Mapping and painting the UV with the clone brush, I assume they still exist? It really doesn’t take any talent to clone existing textures from a few screen shots to the UV.


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No, this is not what i am looking for.

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Blender Procreate

I use procreate and an Apple Pencil

Try to increase the resolution.

They look ok but they’re still low res poly models right now.

I found this;



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