What was Mining like before Rorquals?

I think the problem here is the conflation of ‘decent ISK’ with ‘as much as a fleet of Rorquals’. No you can’t make as much in a solo barge as a fleet of rorquals. Obviously.

‘Decent ISK’ is massively subjective. Qualify this and you’ll have your answer.

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From what I’ve heard, Rorquals have devalued the price of ore, thus solo barge mining has in fact been made obsolete, even if it was in the past. Rorquals have produced too much supply is the argument.

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And yet veldspar is doing pretty great right now. Better than almost any other ore. And you have to remember that value is a relative measure. If ores are inexpensive, ships are inexpensive. Obviously T2 and T3 have other supply considerations, but on the whole the argument makes little sense without specifics, especially in light of scarcity changes. Stockpiles won’t last forever, and you can still make hundreds of millions of ISK a week in a T1 barge. How many hundred million ISK does it take for something to be worthwhile? How can solo barge mining be obsolete when only about 20% of the player base have access to Rorquals because the rest stay in hisec?

So again, qualify ‘Decent ISK’ because without quantifying your measure this is all baseless.

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Unless they devalued the price of ore to the point that they are now sold and bought at 0 isk, Its not, nor is it ever going to be obsolete.

As long as you can sell your ore for even 1 ISK, you will make a profit(after you reach the certain amount of ISK required to cover the mining barge and T1 strip miner).

It was like mining with Rorquals. Only smaller.

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Before rorquals was also before moon mining, so it was both better and worse.

Belt rocks are very very small (they max out at around 15-17k m3 compared to 400k m3 in moon belts) so you had to be more attentive to mine efficiently. However, the ore was worth more per unit. It was also impractical to have a huge mining fleet in a single belt, so fleets were split up.

I guess it was better for solo/attentive miners, and worse for afk fleets.


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