What would you use to kill this?

I’m dumb. I’ll use cap boosters.

What tank? If you neut him his tank is 0 and even his hardeners will shut down. It will take you around a minute to chew through 20k buffer with 300 dps.

If you can make him flashy at will, I’d go about it with 3 ships:

~40m Tackle

[Vengeance, Hugs]
Small Ancillary Armor Repairer
Assault Damage Control II
Reactive Armor Hardener
Small Armor Repairer II

1MN Afterburner II
Stasis Webifier II
Warp Scrambler II

Small Knave Scoped Energy Nosferatu
125mm Gatling AutoCannon II
Small Knave Scoped Energy Nosferatu
125mm Gatling AutoCannon II
Small Knave Scoped Energy Nosferatu

Small Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Small Nanobot Accelerator I

Republic Fleet EMP S x1000
Nanite Repair Paste x88

Orbit with that at 3000m to get decent transversal but stay within your nos-range. The HAMs will have trouble to apply to the a Signature Radius of 37m.

~45m Cap Denier

[Sentinel, Jucy]
Damage Control II
Multispectrum Energized Membrane II
Small Ancillary Armor Repairer

1MN Afterburner II
Small F-RX Compact Capacitor Booster
Guidance Disruptor II
Guidance Disruptor II

Small Energy Neutralizer II
Small Energy Neutralizer II
Small Energy Neutralizer II

Small Ancillary Current Router II
Small Auxiliary Thrusters I

Warrior II x4
Hornet II x4
Acolyte II x4

Nanite Repair Paste x68
Navy Cap Booster 400 x14
Missile Range Disruption Script x2
Missile Precision Disruption Script x2

Orbit him at optimal neut-range. ~20-25km. Switch the scripts to Missile Precision Disruption Scripts if the Vengeance should need help with tanking.
With Javelins the Tengu might still be able to reach the Sentinel, but the AB and a Signature Radius of 41m should help it tank in that case long enough.

After that you can bring in pretty much any DPS ship you would like. The two frigates might be able to kill him very slowly by themself, but better make sure it dies quicker.

While I was typing that it was mentioned that this is supposed to be a solo thing. In that case, I’d go with the neuting drone boat as well. Stratios, Ishtar, Curse. They can all be fit to make it work.

I intend to hit him with about 600-700 dps

but i need to make sure he doesn’t escape

You’re right though im probably over thinking

His missiles have a radius of 165 vs my signature of 180

They will have a speed of 225 vs my webbed speed of much less than that. With Rage ammo. And that’s with full skills. Orbiting is not gonna help.

And I don’t intend to fight at range. If I go over 10 km I will lose my tackle. I have to fight 4-10 km optimally.

If you want to kill it with kiting you need Vedmak or Phantasm. Both will do fine but its harder to play than neut setup. Just approach, drop drones and turn neuts on, completely brainless.

How would you use a fit like this?

I need to keep him tackled.

Well, you can run 100mn vedmak with long abyssal disruptor and mitigate quite lot of damage with speed/sig but it’s harder to play and Vedmak can melt it anyway, so it’s whatever.

Alright. I’m just gonna take all the knowledge I know, and all the advice in this thread and try my best to burn him down.

Thanks guys, all the best.

Your answer makes me wonder if you understood what I tried to say.

The idea was to have the Vengance as tackle - with decent skills it has a low enough sig radious to not be hit hard by the HAMs.
The Sentinel was meant to stay at range. Sig tank still applies here.

If you are solo, what Elax Leito said about the Drone Boat option is what I would try. Personally, I would go for an Isthar because of the great built in Kinetic resistance.

What it comes down to is he is flying a 1bn isk ship and i’m trying to fight him with a 0.7 bn isk ship.

The answer is simple. Spend another 300m and bring myself up to his league.

The answer is obvious.

Throw more money at the problem.

It’s cheaper to throw more ships at the problem instead, but requires some willing corporation members.

If you tell your corp members there is an easy 1b T3C kill if they help, you should be able to get some help. If you don’t, maybe try another corp.

Throwing more ISK at the problem may work too, but requires more ISK.

They won’t. They are carebears and when I told them of my plight, they said glhf.

None of them offered to help me. Biggest alliance in New Eden. Hahah.

Then find another group?

Sounds like you are willing to tackle PvP problems, which is welcome in many groups. And your current corp doesn’t seem to support that kind of gameplay.

Their standing fleet is drakes. That’s not the point tho. I admit my corp is carebears but I don’t want them to think they always gotta be bullied and pushed around.

I want new players to see they don’t have to run and hide all the time.

I’m a bit sceptical.

How are you going to show to new players that you don’t have to run and hide all the time?

My guess is they already know that it is possible to fight against mean PvPers, but they aren’t PvPers so they won’t do that.

If you show them you can kill the mean PvPer, they likely won’t take that as asign they can fight back, they’ll take it as a sign you too have become one of those PvPers.

Find a corp where the new players are willing to fight.

I may be wrong though, maybe when you post the killmail in corp chat you will catch the attention of some others that want to get killmails like those too.

thanks its complicated


When he is flashing yellow he has a suspect timer which lats 15 minutes from the last such offense (shooting deployables and/or stealing… or if he has a killright on his head and someone pays to activate it) so it can only be prolonged by him performing such act before the suspect timer expires.

As a result anyone can engage him while the suspect timer is still running.

When someone shoots him while he is suspect a new timer is activated between the two capsuleers (him and the one shooting him) called a limited engagement timer. This is a teal color one and depending on overview settings he now will be shown as a flashy teal instead of flashy yellow.

The limited engagement lasts for five minutes from the last time either of the two capsuleers activates an offensive module on the other (including drones), thus you can go beyond the suspect timer with this and keep it alive.

However once the suspect timer is up only the limited engagement can grant you an opportunity to shoot him without CONCORD intervening, thus once his suspect is up nobody else can legally engage him unless they are at war with him or if he is in a corp with friendly fire being legal and his corp mate can also attack him in that case. So your opportunity to have reinforcement join in on the pew pew is his suspect timer.

So CONCORD will not kill you after his suspect is over (and if you keep safety settings on green or yellow you will be prevented to perform a criminal act anyway) if you attack him legally, which in your case can only be through the limited engagement timer as I see it. If you have a fleet against him the limited engagement is for each engagement separately (one pilot vs him) and each on its own has to be maintained or it expires in five minutes after which it can not be restarted unless he goes suspect again thus if one of your fleet members have the limited engagement expire he no longer can contribute until the target goes suspect again so each pilot has to pay attention to his own limited engagement timer with the target… separately.

Note that five minutes can be enough to even warp to a station and reship (or grab a new ship if the previous was destroyed) and shoot him again.

Let us know how it went if you engage him (regardless of the results, there is no shame in losing a fight, on the contrary it shows you are dedicated and not afraid) and good luck! o/

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Can you bring 3 caracals with rapid light missiles and apply 5 webs + 1 scram on him? That will do.
If he is a suspect (flashy yellow) anyone can engage even using green safety.
If safety is green you don’t have to worry about being legal or ilegal, it only lets you act legally and you can even pod people if it’s a legal case.

Then loot everything and dock for 15 minutes, because he will bring something that could counter caracals.