What's your role?

Not any specific plans, seeing as my eldest daughter is seven, my boys are five, and the youngest girl isn’t yet a year.


I glorify God in the mass sacrifice of Slaves, a practice the wayward and liberal Theology Council denies to those Chosen nor fortunate enough to be beyond their legal reach.


It is to live , to enjoy everyday and all the little things in it. I to have turned towards the way of the warrior seeking fulfilment. To improve and master these beautiful but deadly machines of ours.

My role ? to live a peaceful and honourable life , i have no power .

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Seven! My what a wonderful age that was. Last year i had to enjoy of my childhood before I was to be being preparing to uphold my family’s name in battle.

Every generation of my bloodline started training around this age. The first years were a walk in the park compared to next ten. If not for being molded at such a young age I would not have the skills I possess now.

I’m not telling you how yo raise your children, Lasa. But speaking as someone who benefited from a clear vision my parents had for me. You be wise to have some urgency with coming up with a plan for your eldest while the iron is still hot. Mold them into someone who will have the skills and training to make something for themshlves when they reach adulthood.

I’m gonna mark your role down as “Crazed Zealot”. But hey, you got a personal purpose that keeps you motived.

No matter how…distasteful it might be.

Yes these starships are magnificent tools we have at our disposal aren’t they? The ones that super white-hot lasers and nuclear missiles are only the more simpler designs.

Not with ships that boost remote repair effectiveness to sow the wounds of armor plating. Or cargos ships that can fit entire cities inside them. Or mighty titans that and bridge entire fleets right on top of an enemy fleet…Or you know, a single Ibis.


I’m a politician. I try and do good and end up making a lot of people mad doing it.

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I have the responsibility of governing my extended family along with it’s employees both capsuleer and baseliner, driving it’s financial ventures and prosperity, overseeing it’s territories, expanding it’s influence and reputation while also protecting it’s members.

Each generation should be more prosperous than the last and ensuring that for mine has always been my role.


Freedom fighter, scout, explorer.

As a former Amatar scout, I have since reformed my ways and began to take up the good fight for the Minmatar to fight for those still in slavery. I will not rest until they are free. The Elder Fleet opened my eyes to the wrongs of the Amar Empire, and their puppet state the Amatar. I only hope to one day see the Amatar join with their brothers in the Minmatar and overthrow the yoke of slavery from their Amarian overlords.

One day…


My role is diplomat, barista, beauty therapist, bodyguard and general meatshield.

I’m also good with hair.


I do science and stuff! That’s what I do!

I’m not very good at it though… Or anything else for that matter…

So that makes me good at not being good at anything! Right?

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I was bred to be a Marine of the Imperial Navy. I am the product of a highly valuable bloodline developed over several hundred years to yield efficient military operatives for the needs of the Navy.

However, it appears that this complex hybridisation has recently resulted in a generation exhibiting a higher than expected proportion of capsule-compatible personnel. Some of these slaves also possess the approved faith to be allowed the freedom associated with the capsuleer whilst bound by oath of fealty. I am such a one.

My current orders have me deployed to null security space where, when required, I pilot a repair engineering vessel such as the Guardian or Deacon.

My role may therefore be adequately described as combat logistics.

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Well, you kinda just did. My children receive education and guidance to be whomever they want to be when they grow up. I won’t force views on them. They are kind and intelligent, and will make decisions for themselves when the time comes. We share a strong bond and I don’t see why they have to aspire to goals I set for them.

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I Imagine being a Capsuleer and having access to clones helps negate the threat any assassination attempts…

Exactly! My ancestors were great people. But as the member of the next generation of our bloodline - of our legacy - it is our duty to out perform the exploits of those we’ve descended from. Instead of us growing weaker every generation, we grow stronger than the last. Not once stopping in fear of losing momentum.

Keep up the good work!

I’ve spent some time in on the frontier of the Republic. In my time theere i grew to admire the history of the Matari people. Their strength in battle primarily.

Vastly outnumbered, out gunned, inferior technology and oppressed by the heel of the Amarrian empire. Yet a burning passion for freedom stirred them to get to their feet even when that said heel is apply as much pressure as it can to break their backs.

But they stand up, they arm themselves and fight. They gain the freedom they so desired though warfare. They’re a nation of warriors without a doubt. For that they have my respect.

Well…That’s certainly quite the resume.

I sorta have some impression that diplomatic meetings you attend involve you giving the representative of the opposing party a manicure. If true i would comment on that being odd but at the same time an interesting method of diplomacy.

Get ahold of yourself pilot! You’re a Capsuleer. We live then die to only be reborn to learn from our failures. if your not good at it then you need to commit to improving yourself in your field. Your a scientist but not good at it? Then what do you do pilot? remain terrible? No, you fix the problem and refine yourself. Come on now! Do honor to your status as a Capsuleer.

You sound like one of those “Kameiras” soldiers. Can’t say i’ve actually gone up against one of those types in a fight but i hear those slave trained troopers are some of the most feared infantry units on the battlefield aside from the Minmatar’s Valklear.

Combat Logistics! A pilot who can heal the wounds of any of warship on grid and still consider himself apart of the offensive. Pilots like you do impress me.

It was more of a passionate suggestion. As i said, as someone who’s benefited off of strict guidance of my parents. I’m someone with a clear goal in mind and purpose. When were young we are clueless as to what we want and may stray off on some foolish path that will only do us harm or dishonor our surname. We need someone who’s lived in this world longer than we have to install their wisdom and experience so we can grow up to properly surpass them with little effort.

Parents of my house are strict because we have love for our children. We want them to be ready to replace us when our time finally comes. We want to ensure they are not lost and focus on what they will excel at for not only the betterment of themselves. But for their bloodline.

Look at the Federation, so many in their borders have not a clue or idea of what to do with themselves and settle for sub-par lifes. No purpose or ambition or loyalty to their family. I may have my gripes with the Caldari State but they got the right idea. They may stuff their heads with nationalist nonsense but they stick close to their youth. They study their children and figure out where they will excel and push them towards it for their own good.

I’m not speaking as a parent. But as someone who understands the control my parents had over me was for the best. Here i am as a Capsuleer, wealthy, powerful and have an ocean of potential before me. I owe what i have to my family. I do not doubt their guidance for a moment.


You said it yourself. You are not a parent. Until you are, probably best to keep your so-called opinions and advice to yourself. Good day.


Well…That’s certainly quite the resume.

That’s right, Mr Yaken, it’s because I’m an amazing person.

Would you like to learn more?

I’ve been around, you know. One of the highlights, Mr Yaken, was simultaneously being accused of both having saggy breasts and of selling them to Marmite. This is just the tip of the thuglife iceberg that is being me.

I sorta have some impression that diplomatic meetings you attend involve you giving the representative of the opposing party a manicure. If true i would comment on that being odd but at the same time an interesting method of diplomacy.

Woah, you’re too kind. Honestly it usually just involves me abusing people.

I dunno why, but Boss likes it. I think Boss is the kinda woman who understands that this isn’t a nice universe by default, and sometimes you just have to be an asshole to get things done. Enter The Banana.

But yeah, I’m good with beauty too. Braids and cornrows are my speciality, Mr Yaken. Badass. Makeup’s a breeze, and general women’s hygiene. You should try my bikini waxes sometime, Mr Yaken. Boss says it’s almost a pleasant experience.

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I tend to have many roles that I fill, but the primary role is being a Scientist / Doctor. Some of my most known publications are obviously the Drifter studies, but I have some smaller projects on the side as well that takes up much of my time. I haven’t worked much as a clinical doctor since becomming a Capsuleer, but before that I was a Neuro Surgeon.

In addion, I am also a business woman and own a large amount of land on my homeplanet. I have been involved in some terraforming projects there in order to develope both aggriculture and nature, and estrablish a harmony between the two.

I have also recieved training as a Mystic and uses it to offer spiritual guidance to the people around me who asks for help.

As a capsuleer, I have mostly retired from activities and is rarely engaged in combat these days. I still see myself as a protector of my clan and will defend them if there is any threat to them. On rare occations I still take smaller combat jobs for the sake of ISK.

I wish I could add the role ‘Mother’ to my list. However my daugther was stolen from me over 20 years ago. I still feel as a mother and I hope that she can find spiritual guidance from me, even though we haven’t been able to communicate in the physical world.


Haven’t you heard ? You’re not allowed any academic credentials unless Arrendis can verify every article you’ve ever written.


Hah. Why should I care about the opinion from someone on the IGS? As long as they don’t disturb my work I do not care whether they think it’s legitimate or not.


I’m the janitor Empires call on occasion to ged rid of pirates and nasties alike.

My alt is famous for her artful laser etchings on enemy space ships :slight_smile:

In between I keep a parallel universe in check the lazy and weird call “real life” :wink:

I am a line member of Pandemic Horde who specializes in just about everything except for combat logistics and I also make my ISK running incursions.

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I do not know what my role in the world is… Just an old nomad going wherever I am still welcome, I suppose…