Where are the heroes?

At this point in my EvE career, I am seeking practice with casual PvP. Flying myself into lowsec seemed like a waste of time, since the odds against me were unpredictable.

By narrowing a target selection and traversing safer space, I feel better about getting into PvP this way. The idea had never occured to me, but I will emulate the technique seen above and try to establish a bit of diplomacy.

I have to agree that helping weaker players such as those might seem fruitless. Sure, why help someone who doesn’t seem motivated to help themselves? Maybe they needed a bit of inspiration.

I sure did. I might also be quite useless helping these small groups defend against larger ones, but I will be able to practice PvP and corp diplomacy while being able to scamper around hisec and enjoy the benefits of relatively easy market access.

Will be fun to see the level of resistance the bigger corps put up. I am more excited about helping the players. Albeit foolish, at least they have some vague goals and might even end up return some favors in the future. As a solo player, I need all the clout I can gather.

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But they won’t.

I know I bang on about this way to much but AG have no interest in educating people how to avoid anything. Why would they gimp their own content?

Their content is trying to prevent and sabotage gank attempts by sitting on gates and making “Interventions”. If people arnt being ganked then there is nothing to intervene in and therefore no content for them.

As such what we see is AG giving advice to players on how to fit their mining ships, when better advice would be to go and mine in quiet systems where there are only 2 or 3 people in local.

It’s portrayed as being very noble. Fighting the fight for the players and all that jazz. But really it’s just telling players enough so they can be used as bait to provide them content.

I have no problem with AG as a play style. Hell everyone should be able to play however they want. What I take issue with is how they constantly portray themselves as being the saviours of highsec and how what they do is somehow honourable. When in actual fact they are just as much part of the problem as the rest of us. Using other players as content.

Apologies to destiny for having a rant which is largely off topic.


No no, I was making the same point.

I know. I just always feel the need to elaborate on this particular issue because they themselves don’t appear to get it.

There is a dependency there that they just refuse to acknowledge

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It’s impossible! CCP identified the problem of mass decing years ago and has invested countless minutes to come up with a permanent band aid to address the problem and get rid of the number one grieve mechanic that drives away new players (often only 10 years into the game).

It completely killed small wardecers (but who cares, they are grievers as well!) and we did not check if it had the same effect on the ones we actually wanted to get rid of, but I’m confident CCP knew what they where doing.

As promised by the carebare apologists, we have since seen millions of formerly disgruntled carebares return and probably billions of new player settle in to enjoy the mind dulling simpleness of pressing F1 every 15min in perfect safety. T’was well worth the price of getting rid of more interesting parts of the game!


If you were posting this about mining nerfs driving people away… would an alternate you make a comment about … crying about nerfs?

I don’t keep up with every little problem the commoners have, so I don’t know what you mean by mining nerf

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I would like to know what would have happened if Destiny had been able to contact them sooner. If they had been shown a light at the end of the tunnel before disbanding, would they have fought to reach it?

I cannot pull every childe from the rapids’ swift currents; I do not have the reach, my stick is too short, and I am in fact not even able to swim, for I myself never have left the shallow end of the pool. All I can do is jump into the raging waters to drown with them together, giving them a moment’s respite so that they do not have to pass on alone.


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Dont worry your immortal you’ll just wake up again .

Yeah, but Mr. Boomers won’t.

I agree while I do know some people who might want to help because a good fight is really hard to come by and HS Wars are pretty fun. The vast majority of people really need ISK to be persuaded to do anything. Let alone be actively motivated to the cause. EVE just doesn’t bring out the hero in us. It’s a real shame.

I don’t know that this is actually true. Perhaps Eve does not, but while I was playing I did not have a hard time finding people to help me in a war. For that you just have to not be an ass. Where I find issue is in getting people who want to be war eligible when we have no plans to declare war.

Rightfully, people point out that this is a completely avoidable and suboptimal choice on paper. The only reason to do this is if you recognize some enjoyment in trying to survive under adversity.

What Destiny has encountered doesn’t surprise me. In my experience people give up immediately instead of fighting or enduring any sort of setback.

I don’t think it’s heroes we need, but people with what they called ‘grit’ or ‘sand’. Those who can take some punches and get back up. There can be no fight, no war, no heroes, as long as there are no people who want to be saved enough to hold out for the hero who would deliver them.


These guys used to be class act heroes:

Wardec U : Merc Corp For Hire - Crime & Punishment - EVE Online Forums

It’s not so much a lack of cultivation but that there is generally less opportunity to be a hero.

When you’re a villain you have the initiative. You pick the target. The time. The place. It’s quite straightforward to start causing people problems.

Being a hero means being in the right place at the right time as well as being strong enough to win the fight. And on top of all that you probably even have to take the villain by surprise because they can always come back tomorrow if they see their target is guarded.

That was the idea behind the war HQ. To allow defenders and allies to have some initiative. But it will likely never be as much initiative as the attacker has.

OP I quite liked the story, was fun to read o7

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Destiny, :smile:

Lol, I applaud your initiative. For those reading through this thread, though Destiny has written humously regarding this topic, she and I had talked about this type of gameplay and the possible responses from offering to ally…prior to her post.

Also, I agree with Kane, @God_Emperor_Kane regarding the consequences of a 3 war limit with no war headquarters and how it would shape highsec.

I have two further observations regarding this type of gameplay @Ricky_Tock , my primary stumbling block, in these types of situations, has almost always been the CEO, who rightly initially suspects some type of sabotage. You’ll have to convince the CEO. And the second observation is the CEO, if they agree to the ally offer, will either support you or abandon you to your own devices. Being abandoned? Well, you can pretty much do what you want…when you want. If the CEO supports you, and rallies the troops behind you? Be prepared to assume responsibility for that eventually also. I’ve supported both highsec and “transitioning to” lowsec corps by allying, so you need not limit yourself to highsec corps exclusively.

This is an area of EVE’s gameplay, where even if you lose the war (which is almost a certainty), sometimes, you can really feel like a hero/ine.

(Though, a lot of the time you feel like you’ve been dragged through the mud, :wink:)


Please remove the war HQ. its just plain stupid.

Please no restrictions on wardecs. Please stop intervening in the sandbox.

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Yes! My goodness I encountered so many people who cry and give up especially in video games. I think it would not be a stretch to say in real life too!

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I thank you greatly for your advice. I hope that my forum history will be sufficient to prove my intent to the prospective allies.

Practicing diplomacy almost excites me more than starting to get wet with PvP. My goal isn’t to win. I like what you said about taking responsibility for the outcome, whether it be a victory or defeat. As long as I can maintain positive interactions with my allies, then I will have accomplished my goal.

I do not seek to be a hero. I seek to bring the name of my corp to life: Chaotic-Neutral Unlawful Lawbringers. I want to fight on my terms and bring forward my own form of law:

BLACKFLAG and other gigantic blanket-war corps have declared war on all of hisec. I am the enemy on the other side, ready to help small groups resist against seemingly impossible odds.

Seems a better and more unique idea than simply joining the bigger groups and adding to their game. I will instead help others with their game, since I have little enough guidance to do much else and since this way, I can operate independently whilst still fostering new and hopefully lucrative connections.

I eagerly await the drama.

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