Which platform do you use TO PLAY EVE ON?

I also wear clownshoes when I play but that’s not an option

Actually you are trying to get the cooperation of eve players, very few will be helpful especially the forum lurker type, just leave your post as is and those who take time to just simply pick one will be your answer, everything else will be gaslighting and should largely be ignored.

For future post let me save you some time, eve forum lurkers would fight over asking people if they enjoy air.

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What kind of air are we talking about?


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I pity people who have to use Windows or Mac

So you created a poll to confirm that windows is still the most played on platform?

Something we already knew?

Thanks for the bump

Bumps only matter in places where there is enough traffic for it to drop down the list lol

Thanks for the re-bump

I use Windows 10 on an HP Desktop PC.

Windows for me as well. It works pretty well for me.

Linux, really, I thought that fad died 20 years ago with the dot coms?

MS Excel.

mac os

im a mac guy last windows i used was windows xp
im old and mac os is EZ :stuck_out_tongue:

Air is the medium we enjoy. He said nothing about breathing.


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Actually no


78 percent nitrogen
21 percent oxygen
1 percent carbon dioxide and argon

Trace gases include krypton, methane, neon, helium and hydrogen. Air generally contains trace amounts of water vapor, as well, with greater concentrations occurring near sea level.

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Obviously this “Poll” is causing distress to Windows people so close it

/End poll

Closed at the request of the OP…


ISD Bahamut