Even that’s not so clear-cut. I am currently playing on my i5 integrated graphics laptop but I have previously played on a linux box, and will also install EVE on the new linux box which was the old windows machine.
As it seems you’re only interested in the results of the poll, not in the explanations, what is the purpose of this thread?
You will get the result that most people use windows for gaming, no surprise there.
I know you’re trying to get more linux support for EVE and EVE tools in nearly every post you make, so I guess you want to use this thread to show… something? That linux is rarely used? That it is used at all?
I participated already. But I really wonder what conclusions you want to get from a poll like this?
Because I doubt it will be representative, due to participation bias. Most people who don’t care about OS won’t care to answer the poll, while the people who are interested in different OS and use Linux will be more inclined to answer, skewing the results.